"That is what you all need to experi- ence!"
Dr. D said empha- tically. He paced the room before the group. "You need in-vivio exposure. You need to place yourself among people for as long as you can stand it." I shook my head. Oh boy Doc, won't you love my life now. Thrown into a room with nine or ten morons...awwww, I shouldn't say that...they are not morons, they just look and act like ones. These urchins were just a rung up the evolutionary ladder from a shelt, two over Skeksie.

It's this kind of thinking here that will lead you back to the streets. Shit, Doc D. you'd love this shit. I'm back in 'the element'. I'm doing the rush hour, I'm doing the office setting, the classroom setting. I am moving from here to there among society again. "You people are in avoidance mode. You run from these situations, you hide. No, you have to jump in, like into a pool. Go right in, and STAY RIGHT IN!"

I leave the doctor AFTER I get him to write me a doctor's note. I walked here from the Roach Motel. Hell yeah that shit hurt. I'm not fucking with you, that shit hurt...because I just did it twice last week. My body is starting to complain. But complain it's going to have to do. In the mornings I do my push ups and sit ups. I'm work out and I have been religious about it, never missing a day. I have to do something with this fat so that if there is something in my stomach, I find it.

I have to go in for my MRI of my stomach soon. I'm just wondering on when to get it done. I'm looking at the form. I'm hoping that these people give doctor notes. I could use that, in fact I will NEED that. The documentation thing is already beginning to drive me crazy. But I warned them that there will be a flurry of these notes coming up at them. If I'm going to provide them with a blizzard, I can't get confused or disorganized now. I got my binder for the notes, I'm ready.

I stand with my back against the wall earlier in the day, shaking my head. The hallways are filled with people running from class room to class room as the sessions end and begin. It reminds me of High School. It's patterned after it. I stand in front of the door to the lab 4F. I'm getting a PC today, simple as that. The Facilitator walks into the room and locks the door behind her. That's good, the door will open without a lot of these urchins knowing that she was already inside, catching them off guard for seconds that I will use to walk right in.

A clique of about five Spanish speaking women appear like a cloud of bees, buzzing in their native tongue. I am fucking amazed. How in the fuck can they understand each other when ALL OF THEM ARE TALKING AT THE SAME TIME? Together, they raise the decibel levels of the corridor. They pause for a minute or two in front of the door with with me, and then they move off down the corridor, babbling all the way, together, as if all of them were connected at the tit. I stare at their passing in awe. They move from room to room, corridor to corridor like this. I wonder if they ever get sick of each other?

I sit down in front of a computer and turn it on. I'm fucking happy. It boots up. I go into my slacks pocket and produce a flash drive containing the Handbook and plug it into one of the USB ports of the computer. Sudden the operating system announces that a new device has been discovered. YES!! It need to install software to make it work...search for software? Software to work a UNIVERSAL serial bus?? I click yes. The operating system searches it's internals for the software and then reports that the software cannot be found. Can't be found?? What the fuck is this?? The operating system reports that the device will not work properly.

I sit back in my seat. I have been foiled. There is another USB port on the computer, I switch to it, knowing what would happen when I plug it in. Nothing. The system has been configured not to allow you to move your work from drives onto the PC. No doubt for viral prevention. I turn to email. Maybe I can email a copy of the work to myself and work on it at the school. As it stood now, you could only save work on a network drive on the WECREAM servers. I don't like that at all. Fuck this.

Heading home, from Dr. D, I am not even tired. I am not even exhausted. I have a lot of energy. I move through the Way with no problems. Except for TOURISTS!! Why is it that tourists can't get inside of subway cars? I don't know if you've noticed it or not, but there is always this guy or chick that runs into the train, slips through the car door, and then stops right there in the threshold. Many times looking around for a seat before moving on, while you stop outside and have the Way doors shut on your face. That shit almost happened to my twice to me today.

The first was when a Joe Blow waddling into the train car stops because he is past the doors that close when the bell rings. The doors shut right in my face. I jump back to keep my hands and arms from getting trapped. The good thing is that these doors are right next to the conductor who snaps the doors open for a second for me to jump in. I take a shoulder and plant it into Joe Blow's back, driving him into the car, and stepping onto the back of his shoe, taking it off his stupid foot. He limps into the car and turns around. I smile back.

Then, later of about ten minutes, I'm standing behind these two chatting girls as the number 3 train barrels into the station. These two punch monkeys don't shut the fuck up for a second, and I knew that there was going to be trouble because I was already behind them, while other commuters were positioning themselves in front of them. When the doors open, these two slap bitches DO NOT STOP TALKING!! Everyone packs into the train as these two take one torturous step after the other, step into the threshold and STOP COLD. What the fuck?? Are they the last two people in the world?

Now here is where it gets touchy. With a man you can just walk right into him, push his ass into the car and let the doors close behind you. You do that to a woman or a little girl and you'll have an unwanted touching charge. Fucking Bullshit. I'm carrying my binder for my medical papers and drive it into the small of the back of the girl in front of me, pushing her into the car. I guess the inhuman touch woke her to the fucking world around her, because she suddenly shut the fuck up and jumped out of the way of the door. Oh, and as a finishing touch I stepped on the heel of her shoe, taking the fucker off her stupid foot.

Not that I'm one of those angry commuters that you run into on the Way, but I'm pretty close to it. These mother- fuckers can get on your nerves, and most of the time, they're TOURISTS. I don't have a hatred for tourists but they shouldn't be riding the Ways without a Sherpa Guide.
Stop bitching Hobobob. Heaven is barreling your way faster than wheels can carry.
I hope so. I need a break.
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