Domino starts her day off with a general check of the neighpurrhood. As I've said before, she believes that the road itself belongs to her, so she pawsitions herself right in the middle of it so she can take a good look up and down the street. Fortunately, today it was very quiet and most people had already left for work, so Domino didn't have to contend with stopping traffic as she would normally. You see, Domino doesn't believe in trafficking -- she's fur-square against it.
Domino then moves on to our next-door neighpurr's porch, which she also believes belongs to her. I've tried to explain the concept of trespussing to her, but she's so accustomed to treating their purropurrty as her own, that it's like talking to a brick wall.
Then she returns home to spend some time with me on the front bench before continuing her purrade once more. In the end, her fafurite purrch is on our own front porch which she decorates in her tuxy purrfection alongside all the other kitty ornaments.
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