That's what I feel most of the day. It's hard to keep my eyes open, that and occasional bouts of dizziness. I was supposed to go to a wine and cheese party in Brooklyn today, but that was nixed for a hundred reasons, not just because of the dizzy spells. The dizziness also makes me nauseous, and that isn't good.

I spent most of the day napping, the LUVOX doing a real number on my ass. Time melted away, as it always does. I also researched the MTA and wrote a piece for the online magazine. I surprised even myself how well it came out. No sooner did I finish it did I have to go back to bed. Funny, I don't feel anything for the first few minutes after waking up, and then the dizziness starts. My eyelids get heavy and I start nodding. What is that about?

Even as I write this I feel light- headed. I guess this is the 'getting used to' period. Shit, it's supposed to take two months for it to work so I'm certain this isn't the full strength of the stuff. But then again, what is it?

I went to Facebook again and struggled through, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. The damn thing is more complex than it lets on. I know the difference between a feed and the wall. That might not make a hill of beans difference to you, but it's like learning a new language to me. Facebook is foreign to me still with passing drinks and friend requests and suggestions and all that stuff which is equally an uphill climb. But if I take it a little at a time, at my leisure, I'll figure the damn thing out.

I find that if I keep moving I can stay awake. If I sit down for any extended period of time I'm out cold. Even working on the computer is no help against the fatigue. One good thing about LUVOX, it kills your appetite. I haven't felt hungry at all today, and it's just as well, because I over-slept this morning and completely missed breakfast/lunch.
Well, with that, my eyelids are getting heavy, my head droops. It's time for me to take a nap and see if I can shake this feeling. I look at the clock, it's 4:13PM

. I go out like a light only to wake at around 7:00PM. I go to the computer, and within five minutes I'm groggy again!!! What the fuck!!?? I made dinner but could only eat half of it. A surprisingly small portion before I was full, and stayed full. I didn't go back and snack or anything. Hmmmm. Could this be tied in with the nausea that I've felt all day today?

I check my email and there, beamed in by several friends is an article about David Carradine committing suicide in Bangkok at the age of 72. Wow. Now that is news. Homeboy hung himself. My brother says that the Skeks on the soup line claim that he was murdered. Now I ask you, what more stupidest, dumbest motherfucking people can you find if it's not a Skek? I'm never surprised by those idiots. I'm dead glad that I don't have to stand on lines with those knuckleheads.

Or maybe I will have to. I need some clothes and a clothes line would work for me. Maybe I can go to Tavern on the Green with my brother on a Monday night and see if I can get some decent slacks and a jacket. While I'm there I can eat a decent dinner. Not that what I make is indecent it's just that I have to cook it in this hot room. Whereas at the soup kitchen I'm in the cool surroundings of the cafeteria, and the food isn't all that bad.
I mean, since I'm there, I should just avail myself of the services.

One last thing. Last night I tried to get my mail from the security guards in front of the building. They told me that they no longer have any mail. The mailboxes are ready and we have to pick up our keys from the office. Now that is good motherfucking news. I smile. I'll pick up the keys in the morning, of which I of course over-slept, but tomorrow is a new day.
Tomorrow is a completely new day.
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