Lunch was healthy.
I left the computer room because they were locking it up. We all poured out and into the halls. I went downstairs to a fruit vendor and got seven dollars worth of cherries. With that, I walked thirty minutes East, and then turned around and walked thirty minutes west. The day was cool, and it made for a great day. I had no complaints.

But during my walk, with the fresh air pouring through my brain, it came to me that if every day was like today... WECARE might not be so bad. Consider this: I get unmolested computer access, I can keep abreast with my brother and the work we have to do for the SHOUT OUT. I can also use the time and the Internet access to send articles out to my online magazine and lastly, I can continue to search for my own job in journalism. I had the best of all worlds....

...that was IF everyday was like today. And lunchtime would be healthy with fruits and a long walk up and back crosstown. There was no trip to the Parks Department, as I initially thought. I was corrected on the spot. You stayed at WECARE as long as it took you to find a job. You did eight hours of searching for one, but you stayed there until done. If I could find one in journalism...even if I could get that internship with DISCOVER magazine, I can use that as job search credit. I stand aghast. I am corrected on my face.
That's IF everyday is like today.

After lunch we head back to the initial room, 4R and as soon as I sat down my name was called and I walked with a much smaller group to another lab in room 4N and sat down behind another computer with access to the Internet. Oh wow. I am busy once more.
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