These pictures document a series of events that took place in my cat garden just yesterday. I realized after looking at them, that they would make a good post for Mancat Monday, even though my little tuxy girl, Domino, was also involved.
In the beginning, Dante comes along and gently greets Dylan who is standing on the bench. Dante then spies Domino coming down the drive, a little way off. Dante very calmly watches as Domino approaches, and greets her with no fanfare, then lets her pass without incident.
Now witness Dylan's approach! He has been watching Domino, too, but waits until she's in the purrone pawsition before he makes his move. Now, this is something that Dylan tends to do a lot -- Domino finds him furry objectionable -- and indeed in this case, it wasn't long before she let out a yowl, bucked him off, and fled in the direction of the front door.
I understand that Dylan's behaviour is instinctual, and even though he is neutered, these feelings don't go away. However, Dante seems to have control of his urges and behaves in a distinctly gentlecatly way.
Some may think that Dylan is the real mancat because he follows his spontaneous nature, but I think that Dante embodies the true essence of a mancat because he is able to put his regard fur ofurs ahead of himself.
I love both my mancats, but Dylan just needs to grow up -- like a lot of manbeans out there. Moderation in all things, I say, including jumping on your sisfur's back!
So what do you say? Is a true mancat a ruffian, or is he a gentlecat?
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