I woke early, around 4:00am and got behind my laptop and saw a number of e-mails, surprisingly written around 2:00 in the morning. Who stays up that long in the morning? Who are these people, me? I get through my emails until 9:00 and then head downstairs to the cafeteria. As soon as I step into the cafeteria space, Snow White is there. I greeted her and got on a short line for the breakfast/lunch. As I wait, I hear a voice to my right, and standing right up under my armpit is Snow White. I jump back and take a swing at her, connecting with air. How in the fuck do you do that???

"Hobobob," she says with a sweet grin. "I haven't given you a room inspection this month have I?" No, you haven't. "Can I come up today, or tomorrow?" I'm at the Vocational Center all day tomorrow. "How about today?" I didn't want her up in my room today. I was comfortable, sitting in front of my Evaporative Air Conditioner naked, and staying online. This was Sunday, my day of rest, given to me by god. I look down at her: Alright. Her face brightens: "What time?? Two O'clock sound good?" Yeah, that's fine.

I get my breakfast /lunch and head back upstairs. The minute I get in I start straightening up again, and noticed that I've done pretty much already. I eat breakfast and get back behind my computer. I step out to take a piss at 1:25 and get back and she rings the door. Time is 1:30. Why so early? "Is that a problem? I can come back." No...it's no problem. None at all. She walks around the room, then goes to the 'kitchen' leaning on the counter top. "It's warm in here, where's your air conditioner." I point to the R2D2 smoothly working in the corner. She nods. "Oh. I see. Don't you want a real air conditioner that goes into the window?" Well it might obstruct my view of the brick wall. She smiles at my humor. Hell, why not. She starts to scribble on the top most sheet of paper in a bunch that she's holding. "Going to your appointments?" Yes. "Medical appointments?" Yes. "Any problems with your room?" She stays bent over her paperwork on the counter, scribbling. No. There are even more questions and then she is done. "Well, you take care, Hobobob. I'll get that work order in for an Air Conditioner." Okay.

I laugh to myself. Paula has been harassing the Super for an air conditioner for weeks now, and if offers of blowjobs can't get an air conditioner from him, what do you think that a single work order from Snow White would do? My work order is still in for an evaporative air conditioner. If I wasn't lucky enough to find this one from the hall, I wouldn't have one today.

I get tired quickly and soon crawl into bed and drift off to sleep around 6:00. Only to wake up at ten minutes to 9:00am!! Holy Shit!! I blinked my eyes hard, trying to bring my microwave clock into clearer focus. That's right, it read 9:00am. Fuck! I'm way late for the Vocational Center! I'm screwed! As I resign myself I look at the window with its twilight colors of light blue and red yellow. Twilight?? It's 9:00 in the fucking morning. The sun should have been long up in the sky! That's when it dawned upon me that it was 9:00pm, not am. I sighed mightily in relief. Thaaank You!

I haven't had an episode like this since I was working at night at Thomson Financial. I would wake up in the late afternoon, which looked like early morning, and I would think that I over slept. I'm tired still, but I know that this means that it will be a late night tonight for me. I work on the Handbook and the article for my online magazine. I'm writing another multi-part article given to me by my editor. It's on the new High Line recreational park on the West side of Manhattan. A beautiful, elevated park that travels down the west side of the city, 30 feet above the traffic below. I researched the history of the structure which only piques my interest in it. I'm thinking, hmmm, maybe I'll go out there tomorrow to take pictures. I will already be out on the west side tomorrow when I get out of the Roach Motel. It will be only a matter of traveling uptown to its first entry point.

This will work for me. I was thinking of passing on this assignment because it was given to two reporters, me and a female, who I knew would have the time to jump right on the assignment like a tigress pouncing on prey. But I was very bored today and sent an email to the editor asking where the article was and he replied: Nowhere. I could take it. I was on the move the minute he told me and began researching all of the Internet data that I could find on the ancient project and the metamorphosis that the High Line has been through since the 1930s.
Interesting story. I finished the first part of the series, the historical part, next comes the present and lastly, its future. I work on this until late and get done. I'm doing good.

I sit back. Can I put up this post before going to sleep? I have the Center tomorrow morning. Churning Air. I know they are going to flip the script this week. I'll get my IPE and assignment for the week, which will mean that they will fuck up my 4th of July weekend. I have a feeling that this is the week that I'll be called and given my ultimatum. Which will be something stupid. I think it's time that I put in for a Fair Hearing to start my fight against these people. It's going to be pretty ugly between all of us before long. There is blood in the water. There are corpses floating face down in the waterways. The axe has fallen. Finished is this land.
Ooops, waxing poetic there.

And that's another thing. This will be a week of intense poetry submer- sion. I have PattiKake's anthology reading, which I am published in, coming up. I have to read a poem. I have to get around town this week. That should be fun.
Hold onto your hats gang. This is going to be one Helluvah 4th of July for the hobo.
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