However, I came across this interesting piece by Henry Blodget, referenced on Jim Sinclair's website.
What Mr. Blodget points out very succinctly is that the next stage of taxpayer-funded government bailouts of the financial industry will be a great boon to the banks - if you are concerned about the real value of their assets, as Mr. Geithner is.

What is the next layer of fantasy to be uncovered?

Under the new Geithner plan, the banks could now be forced - through stress testing or through regulatory compulsion - to begin marking these "hold to maturity" assets at their real market value - that is - at values much lower than those now on the books.

When the banks tell us that their books are sound, it is this next layer of fantasy on which these seemingly reassuring statements are made.

The implication?
According to Mr. Blodget, there is "one small problem with Geithner's plan - it will bankrupt the banks!"
The following chart (see Mr. Blodget's article below) illustrates clearly the historically unprecedented debt levels of US consumers at present. Why is this important? The chart reaffirms that we are presently dealing with a debt crisis, not a liquidity crisis:

For the avid reader - additional links on the PPIP (Public-Private Investment Partnership):
- Dr. Housing Bubble.
- Finance Trends Matter.
- Geithner's Five Big Misconceptions (Blodget).
- Table summarizing high levels at which banks mark their toxic assets (when permissible).
- The "Ridiculous Marks" of Toxic Assets.
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