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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Party Hardy,Then Go Vote


It's Armageddon time.

Go out and enjoy yourselves boys and girls, it's election day and the clownery will soon start. Will this one go smooth? Or will it be like the last two. White knuckled fisticuffs AFTER the polls had closed. I get up feeling tired, and rise to find that I left my laptop bag out all night. What the fuck! How tired was I last night?? Just to show you how not together I was even this morning, I opened up all of the pockets of the bag, checking to see if anything was missing. Relieved that everything was there, I scuttle off to the bathroom to take a leak, and left everything in the open.

While standing there taking a piss I realize what it is that I had done and shake my head. If I didn't make it easy to get robbed last night, I'm really making it easy now. I walk back into the dorm to see my shit unmolested. Man and I lucky that I'm not still on the streets, or EVERYTHING would have been gone. The streets are ten times tougher than the Box. I remember the time that I just took a nap in Bryant Park, like anyone else, in the middle of the day, and someone stole my bag. Well, my bag with my paperwork and my Alto inside. If you don't know what an Alto is, it's just a keyboard that you connect to your laptop. No doubt the thieves thought that it WAS the laptop and made off with it and not my backpack, which HAD the laptop.

I ponder going over to Starbucks this morning, but then again, thought the better of it. I had better just stay put until it was time for the polls to open. I wanted to cast my vote so that it can be discarded with a million others. Yeah, that's right, I have a jaundiced view of the voting commission. I think that they are a bunch of morons, BUT I'm going to vote anyway. I want them to have an excuse for losing a million ballots. Hey, don't hold ME to the fire. I'm not the one that fucked up last time in many key states. Key states, with the stupid assed hanging chads, and shit like that.

Here's my thing: we hold Wall Street accountable for billions of dollars every day, and they keep track of it to the cent, even fractions of a cent for billions of stocks, bonds and futures. With all this computerized, calculating, number crunching ability, there is no fucking excuse for even one American vote to be lost or not counted. Something as important as the greatest seat in Democracy, and we have this preskool, Sesame Street, Big Bird, Mickey Mouse bullshit.

Hate on me, but someone had to say it.

I don't see the need in giving them the benefit of the doubt. There's just absolutely no excuse for that shit. Now, that we have the biggest voter turnout in the history of this nation, let's see how these knuckleheads fare. Will there be enough voting areas and booths to keep the long, two hour lines from forming? What??

Well, I prepare for my soon to be, adventures in voting. It's supposed to be a little harder for the homeless to vote, but they can.

The Urban word for today is VOTE. And it says:
"The best way you have of voicing your opinion in a way that can matter. Nothing's perfect, and there's always going to be mistakes, but there is simply no excuse for not casting a ballot for what you believe in. Take the time to understand the issues and then take the time to vote. Don't let people who aren't going to be around four years from now decide your future. Complaining without voting is worse than any hanging chad."

I've already asked one homeless person here in the Box if they were going to vote and he said yes. I think it's too early to start asking though. I'd rather wait for the evening when intention has given way to action. At the Morning Meeting very few, less than half, raised their hands when asked are they going to vote. Word was that many had already went to cast their ballot. Indeed, when walking down the street to the polling place I saw three women from the Box heading back up. I asked and they told me that they just did.

The fucking line at the line outside was long, but it moved fast. The poling place itself was way too small, cramped even, with barely enough room for people to move in and out. I waddled up to the left hand desk and asked for a paper ballot. They handed me one and I was escorted to a table where I filled the thing out and put it in an envelope and dropped it into a box. Just that simple.

I did my civic duty.

Now the rest of my day. Happy voting.


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