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Monday, February 7, 2011

MuthaNachure is a Bihatch

Life is pretty heartless.

Yes, it is. We are protected from it's inherent evil by others. We don't know this, but the fact is true. We are protected against terrorism, and religious fanatics and dictators by our government and our soldiers. We are protected against robbers, rapists, murderers and other criminals by the police. We are protected against poverty and homelessness by our jobs and employers. We protect our families. Wives are protected by husbands, children by parents.

The world is rife with evil which is based in cold hearted selfish- ness. There is just so much of it outside, it's like living outside of the atmosphere of the planet. There is nothing in the world itself but freezing cold and death without the help and protection of others. Just like in space. There is nothing but cold and death without the protection of a spacesuit or ship. I've come to realize this once I became homeless. Without ANYONE, you are thrust into a new way of living. You are a wild animal, left to your own devices. Survival is your only instinct and it makes you very, very creative and resourceful.

I think I've written about this once before, but not from the angle that I will in this post. This post will deal with how many chances life will give you before it decides to fuck you up for good. When your shit is open and blowing in the wind, you have only a few opportunities and options to get your shit back where it belongs. What do I mean about this? I've been watching a lot of thrillers lately, with people being pitted against nature or machines. Very little person against person violence.

I like man versus nature because nature is so imper- sonal. It is unreal in it's relent- lessness or it's creativity. Nature continues on, walking a path and crushing everything in it's way, leaving brittle bones in its wake. Mother nature is Not a Mother, but instead a MOTHERFUCKER. I've come to another formulaic conclusion, and that is that depending on the severity of your situation, you will only get so many chances to fuck up. So, if you have a hangnail,  MuthaNachure will give you a hundred fuck ups to solve your problem. But if you are in shark infested waters, she'll only give you one or two.

Further, each fuck up lessens your chances of success. Meaning if you had a 9in10 chance of success and you fuck it up, the next chance is 7in10, and if you fuck that up, 3in10. Get the fucking picture. What you should get is the clear picture that MuthaNachure does not suffer fucking fools. The world woke up this morning with the sun and looked down on the workings of man and said..."FUCK THESE FUCKERS." She is not in love with us and never will be. And we treat her like shit. So, she will do us in if we are dumb enough to stick our dicks in the wringer, or titties.

We have pro- tections, we have those that protect us. We have strength in numbers, but in all things, remember, you only will get very few chances in life. Play bingo, play the lottery, play the dice or the horses, these are chances that are ridiculous.  What is that? 1in1,000,000 odds? MuthaNachure is not so nice. When your chances dwindle, be smart, play smart. Assess your situation, lay out a plan, and execute with precision, because unlike the lottery, there is no 'do-over'

This is life gang. This is no fucking game.


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