That's the only other word that I can think of. I remember mail, what seems like years ago, stating that they were about to close the Mines of Moria and move it to Queens. Well, I got mail three days ago, stating that I had to report to the Mines for recertification. This is just so that they can ask you a handful of useless questions and send you away. They just want to know that there's a real person behind all the meds that are going out.

I get ready and head out to the Way, wearing my poncho (TFP) and headed out into the driving rain. Already my day is starting off on the wrong foot. The train ride was exceptionally good down to 42nd street and then across to the W up into Queens. We clatter and crank our way to 39th Avenue where I get off. I am on an elevated platform in the rain. My face is long simply because it's raining.

But subconsciously I was dreading going to the New Mines Of Moria. I make my way down to a huge building with huge numbers over the door. The numbers on Northern Boulevard that I am to report to. I enter in and they have a metal detector. Fuck! I have my 5 in 1 tool in my pocket which had a penknife in one of the tools. It's just a gentlman's hand tool and pretty damned handy. I knew they would not let the tool into the building neither hold it for you.. I was thinking about playing big dummy and stroll right into the guy with the metal wand and take up his time by not taking it out when the wand passed over it.

But no. I don't know how thorough they are. They might not let me in period. SHIT! I'm gonna lose my tool. Just like I lost another. I could not go in with it, so I stashed it somewhere outside at the Mines of Moria . When I came back, it was gone. Motherfucker. Now the same thing is going to happen to this tool. I'll go outside, stash it nearby and pick it up later. That's the plan. I hide it under a door, outside in the rain. I look up and down the sidewalk to make sure no one can see me stoop to push it under the door. There was no one. SHOOP! Just that fast and then I headed to the metal detector.

I dumped my pockets into the plastic tray, and strolled right through the detector without setting it off, and then headed to the elevators. I am directed to a short line, to a bank-like area and I am waved down by one of the 'Tellers'. I tell her what I am there for, she prints out a blue paper and hands it to me. 3rd floor. On the third floor is where the waiting room is. I have a seat with probably thirty, forty people. Great. They are calling the large numbers on the blue paper. I have 2006, the digital readout high up on the wall read 2427. However this works, I'll just wait for them to call my number.

In less than ten minutes, I hear someone calling my name out into the air. I raise my hand and follow her upstairs to the 5th floor. There, she leads me through a maze of cubicles to hers, and I take a seat. She begins working on her computer, without saying a word to me...then; "Do you still live in the shelter?" No ma'am I reside in an SRO now. "I don't have documentation. Do you have a proof of residency letter?" Sorry, no. Was I supposed to bring one? She turns from me and regards her computer once again. She is busy with windows, radio and rectangular buttons, moving through them with an almost tired regularity. As if she does this all day long, of which she just might.

"Did you find a job today?" Nope. She smiles knowingly, then returns to the screen. I look at my shoes. She gets up, and comes back with a load of papers, has me sign two or three of them, then smiles: "I'm done with you." Wha? "I'm done with you, you can leave now." Oh, is that it? "Yes, you are finished." I get up and stroll away and out of the building. It was easy and painless. No more Mines of Moria, no more Orcs running about, crawling out of the cracks and fissures in the walls. It was great. My tool was even where I left it! This was a good, motherfucking day.

I headed back home looking at the clock. It was already 12:30, I had half an hour to go to Dr. D's session. I smirk. There is no way that I'm going to gear down and gear up in a half hour. I take out my laptop, set her up. Yank off the clothes and get online.
It's good to be home again.
That damn LUVOX sure isn't helping me with this Social Anxiety, I see.
Damn I had a good day today!
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