Nathan and Katie's sweet wedding. (Remember his romantic proposal in a forest?)
Would you go on a silent date?
If you could have any accent, which would you choose?
Found! The sexiest swimsuit ever.
What's your dating status? Single? Dating? Living together? Married?
Poll: Would you kiss a guy on a first date?
True reader confession: "When I give birth, I'm taking my stuffed animal to the hospital."
Reader's dilemma: "My boyfriend is a bad kisser."
Wedding question: Who will walk you down the aisle? Your dad? Mom? Both? Someone else?
Four pretty summer outfits.
Reader's dilemma: "Help! My boyfriend is 14 inches taller than I am."
Poll: Do you sleep better or worse when someone else is in the bed?
As always, find much more on Smitten. Thank you! xo

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