Would that I could say that Dante and Dylan, my two mancats, always get along fine.
Fur the most part they do, it's true. However, the hierarchy was long established by the time that Dylan joined the furmily. Domino had already claimed top spot, and Dante accedes to her. So, Dylan had little chance against his much larger brofur, and in general, he goes along with whatefur Dante wants.
Sometimes, Dylan gets a little testy, but finds it's just easier to walk away and give some comeuppance another day.
So, from time-to-time there are little squabbles between the male kitties -- they actually wish they had them more often. After all, what are squabbles, but tiny squab -- and we all know how tasty those can be!
I hope you enjoyed the little kit-4-kat that went on this Mancat Monday, even if it was a little one-sided. No one efur said life was fair, even when it's a beautiful day!
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