The B/X campaign is scheduled to kick off on Sunday, February 28, at 11 a.m. at The Sentry Box, the largest and oldest FLGS in Calgary. On the Calgary Red Box site, several of us have been talking about exploring that most venerable and beloved old-school adventure site, B2, Keep On The Borderlands. There are currently four participants, but i'm sure Pat would be pleased to have even more players around the table: low-level D&D adventures are dangerous and fatal, and there is strength in numbers, both for combat, and in bluffing the monsters into giving you their treasure in exchange for their lives. Visit the Calgary Red Box site and/or visit Pat's blog, Ode To Black Dougal, if you want to get back into old-school gaming or are interested in seeing what all the fuss is about!
I rolled up a Magic-user, and called him Castor Brandlestix. Above is the character sheet that I used to record the information. Character creation took me about seven minutes, between rolling up his stats, buying his equipment, and picking his spell. Now i'm ready for adventure!
I am going to roll up three men-at-arms as well, and bring them to the game. That way, if my character falls in combat, I will have several replacement characters to choose from!
Edit - here is one of the three men-at-arms that I created: Brother Maynard, a Cleric. The other two, Bors and Ironside, are fighting-men.
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