I could say much more about the topic of gold's recent sell-off and dramatic plunge below its 200-day and (bull market-defining) 65-week moving averages, but just allow me to say this.
With gold trading today in the $820.00 range, and silver in the $14.60 range, no investor could possibly go wrong buying either at today's prices.
There is a tsunami coming in gold.
The same goes for the gold and silver miners.
Not true, as Nouriel Roubini has demonstrated. You might also have gleaned this by reading my recent post on "Wimpy's Rule." (If one borrows hamburgers and chooses never to pay back the lenders, then every borrowed hamburger is a legitimate addition to your profit statement - thus, the more you borrow without plan of repayment, the greater your profit - according to FASB standards - and if you are not entirely embarrassed to be behaving like an out-and-out bum!)
Both gold and silver will double from these levels in a fairly moderate period of time (1 - 3 years, and I favour the shorter side of the time frame).

10:20 P.M.: Here is an end-of-day note.
Based on several technical indicators, gold is at its weakest point ever in the 8-year history of its bull market. Specifically, the MACD (moving average convergence-divergence) oscillator is extremely low, meaning that the price is further below its 50 and 200-day moving averages than it has ever been during the past 8 years. The same is true for the relative strength indicator (RSI). Click on the chart below for more details:

Unless you believe that the crumbling US financial system has been repaired by bailing out the investment banks and the GSEs (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) with taxpayer money, this is a buy signal.

In brief, this is the strongest buy signal in gold that we have seen in the past 8 years. It probably portends a powerful upward move when the selling (by short-term focussed investors) is over.... And, that could be soon!
Oh, and I keep forgetting to add, with global recession on the horizon, energy and materials costs are now in decline. This portends lowered costs of production for gold and silver miners, so the fundamentals are now looking stronger still for this sector....
13 August 2008: With gold now slipping below $800.00, it remains its most oversold of the entire 8-year bull market. The current price is so far out of line with the fundamentals, comment does not seem to be required. I will say this - this is what Tsunamis do. The sea level falls. It might bounce back, then fall some more. But we know why. It is because the massive wave is coming. The decline is temporary, and its severity is a clue to the magnitude of the incoming wave. Gold is making ready for something huge.

15 & 17 August 2008: There is now much talk that gold could be entering a major correction phase, with a lull or end in its bull market. In fact, I am among those who believe that such an event could occur. Gold corrected 50% in the 1970s bull market, from $200 to $100 per ounce, over a period of about 1-1/2 years. Of course, in the world of investments, anything can happen. The current 25% correction is on the order of gold's 26% correction in May 2006. Neither correction is anywhere on the scale of the 50% correction of the mid-1970s.

However, continued or strengthened selling at these levels would indicate that something untoward is afoot, so watchfulness should certainly be exercised!
At risk of belabouring the obvious, gold's forced selling low today of $775.00 to $777.70 (I find different figures from different sources) brings us back to a major trendline established in July 2005. I don't have charting tools to draw the line, but if you click on and enlarge the chart below, you will see that gold is presently sitting exactly on this trendline. It is no secret that investment vehicles have a habit of returning to such trendlines, and the function seems to be to wash out speculators who have overextended themselves through margin borrowing or other forms of leverage (such holders do not provide firm enough support for strong bull moves). Certainly, gold could continue to hold "low" to this trendline as a base for a period of time, as it did in 2005 and 2007, though to my eyes, the present steep descent with multiple gaps doesn't look like the kind of downtrend that is likely to persist for long.

Mr. Turk adds, "To give you a true picture of just how bad inflation has become, here is what John Williams of Shadow Government Statistics reports in his latest newsletter: 'The SGS-Alternate Consumer Inflation Measure, which reverses gimmicked changes to official CPI reporting methodologies back to 1980, rose to a 28-year high of roughly 13.4% in July, up from 12.6% in June.' It's no wonder that the demand for precious metal coins and small bars is so strong!"

Fortunately, I have also found an illustration of that 2005-2008 trendline in the gold price in Mr. Turk's above-cited article, illustrated here:

What will trigger the tsunami, and how will we recognize its peak?
For a moment, let's follow the tsunami analogy further, with this description from Wikipedia:
"There is often no advance warning of an approaching tsunami. However, since earthquakes are often a cause of tsunami, any earthquake occurring near a body of water may generate a tsunami if it occurs at shallow depth, is of moderate or high magnitude, and the water volume and depth is sufficient.

The following photo illustrates the maximum "trough" (dramatic drop in sea level) prior to the impact of the third and strongest tsunami wave at Kata Noi Beach, Phuket, Thailand on December 26, 2004 (sea visible in the right corner).

Here is just one current piece of data critical to the continued pressure on US financial markets. Delinquencies on both mortgage loans and loans generally more than doubled in 2007, As Doug Casey at Casey Research has demonstrated (see following chart).

With the US dollar's surge over the past month from $71.31 to $77.15 on the US Dollar Index (USDX), it has crossed my mind that this dance above the 200-day moving average may constitute the greenback's "last fling" before falling further into its debt-fuelled abyss.

See the chart below for an illustration of gold's "spike" low in mid-June 2006 (and note that in 2006, gold held at its 200-day moving average support level, clearly indicating that no tsunami was indicated in 2006 - the later September-October dip below the 200-day moving average was modest and brief):

I've been around too long to expect us to recover gold's March 2008 price levels instantaneously. However, if there is in fact a tsunami coming, we will then be looking back from a price point far higher than that achieved in March of this year!
28 August 2008: Enough time has passed to confirm an apparent head-and-shoulders bottom taking shape in the gold price, as I initially speculated on August 11. In any case, this is Clive Maund's view, and he is on target in his technical analyses more often than not.

And while you're at it, check Pamela and Mary Ann Aden's recent analysis here.

15 September 2008: Much has happened since posting this August 11-28, 2008 blog entry. Gold has clearly fallen below its 65-week moving average bull market support level (though the 20-month moving average, watched by some, is holding so far). There is wide sentiment that the gold bull market, if not over, has at least entered a bear phase - though not all think so. The gold investment conferences are again as deserted as they were during the vicious 21-year 1980-2001 precious metals bear market. It is presently as though the gold bull market never happened - despite gold's being, even here - at three times its 2001 price level! My updated thoughts on the gold tsunami (it is still coming) are presented here.
My gold tsunami posts are as follows:
There Is a Tsunami Coming in Gold
Gold Tsunami II: Anthropomorphizing Gold
Gold: Safe Haven in the Approaching Perfect Storm
Gold Tsunami III: James Kunstler's Use of the Analogy
Bond Prices: The Seismic Shift That Triggers the Gold Tsunami (IV)
Gold Tsunami V: The $23 Trillion Bailout... and Counting
Gold Tsunami VI: Looking for Patterns in Gold Price Advances
Gold Tsunami VII: This Is It
Gold Tsunami VIII: Gold Mining Stocks Now Participating
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