In order to grasp our present reality, it is necessary to engage in a continuous process of "rearranging our mental furniture" (a phrase I learned though Ivan Illich).
Today, Jim Rogers helped me to do a little more such mental home redecorating through sharing his thoughts in an April 8, 2008 interview with Keith Fitz-Gerald (I'll get back to this right away!).
Along with many fiscal conservatives, I have argued that the painful process of "creative destruction" (a phrase applied for the first time in economics by Joseph Schumpeter), which characterizes only capitalism among all the economic systems, is paradoxically perhaps its greatest strength, as no other financial system is capable of dismantling financial entities that do not work.
Capitalism achieves this creative destruction chiefly during unwelcome but necessary periods of recession. Almost everyone is nominally opposed to financial recessions as they cause real pain to citizens through loss of employment, declines in incomes, and of course through personal and corporate bankruptcy or business failure.

Among many thoughtful concepts voiced by Mr. Rogers in his recent interview with Mr. Fitz-Gerald was this hidden gem: "It will cost more to try to prevent a recession than to have a recession."
Now that is an interesting idea that should not be read past too quickly!

Mr. Rogers does not voice this directly, but I think I am representing him correctly by suggesting that the ongoing process of enabling bad financial behaviour by rescuing its perpetrators is at the heart of our current economic crisis.
Rescuing the highly self-interested perpetrators of financial recklessness will prove costly in many ways - by enabling the irresponsible to remain in the financial game longer, by devaluing the dollar, by ballooning the international debt position of the US, and ultimately, by discrediting the US as an economic power.

Every previous recession has had one certain outcome. Those who have survived it, both personally and at the corporate level, have grown leaner, more efficient, and more productive - in a word, better (if not perhaps also more chagrined).
That's how capitalism works, as "the worst economic system of all, except for all the others." It keeps us honest and on-task, and of course, that is often uncomfortable. It goes against our grain to be tested and retested in the marketplace, but that's the harsh truth of what capitalism does. And those who get better at meeting the needs of their customers survive. It's really that simple.

Capitalism is in fact the only economic system that addresses itself to what customers - citizens in fact - actually want. Every other economic system attempts to determine what its participants need, or to guess what they want, and then to design it for them, through some kind of beneficially-intended central planning system. It sounds great, but it literally never works. And this is where the US now seems to be headed.

And... if you think only governments are this crazy, then keep on reading....

Our present "codependent" rescuing behaviour is exactly what is preventing this desirable outcome (customers - citizens - using the economic system to get what they want) from unfolding.

If you've read enough of my posts, I hope you can see this coming....
I submit that citizens want to be able to deposit their money in ordinary savings accounts and receive real savings growth (interest and/or dividend income significantly exceeding the rate of inflation). It is this core citizen need - the ability to receive a reasonable return on savings - that the irresponsible Federal Reserve policies of the past 20 years (under Greenspan and now Bernanke) have prevented from occurring.
With interest rates lowered excessively and the money supply ballooning to promote borrowing, spending and the flow of fees to financial services firms (thereby devaluing savings as a policy priority), the Federal Reserve and US government policymakers have entirely forgotten the actual foundation of a prosperous economy - which is citizen saving (not borrowing and spending, for goodness sake!).
Read between the lines of most of the current financial disaster stories and you will see it.
For example, today's print edition of the Wall Street Journal features a front page story entitled, "Subprime Lender's Failure

ABFS declared bankruptcy, and its investors lost everything. It may have been a Ponzi scheme, we don't know yet.
My point is, this is the kind of behaviour that is promoted when governments and central banks collude to pursue boom and bubble-promoting policies based on excess liquidity. Such policies can be very appealing to voters, who are rarely versed in the complex working of economics - and the inevitably devastating consequences of loose monetary policy.

But let me make clear, cases such as that of ABFS, or on Wall Street recently, of Bear Stearns' engineered liquidation, in fact conceal those truly responsible for financial recklessness. Excess liquidity is promoted by central banks with government backing (or pressure). These are the individuals ultimately responsible for the increasingly barren economic environment that produced such fiscally unsound entities as ABFS. And they, in turn, are accountable to us, the citizens. We are the voters who put them into office in the first place.

But no casual observer will track the cause of this tragedy to its ultimate source. Very likely, officials at ABFS will be blamed, and if so, they have probably been negligent of their duties. But it is the central bank policies of the likes of Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke that have made the creation of ABFS, and hundreds or thousands more companies like it, possible. And it is our complicity as citizens, doing nothing, that allows this set of circumstances to persist.
Who then is most certain to be punished when these circumstances arise?
You guessed it. Ordinary people. The mainstream investors looking for a superior return on their hard-won savings.
And what motivated these ordinary people to risk their nest eggs in such an uncertain venture?
In the interviews with those who were apparently enticed out of their life savings by ABFS and the investment banks, a single theme is clear. The investors in ABFS were all looking for one thing - better returns on their invested savings - because they simply couldn't get by with an ordinary savings account paying interest rates far lower than the actual rate of inflation.

As this story and thousands of stories like it illustrate, the Federal Reserve, and with it the authorities of the US government (Bush, Paulson, et al.), are over-invested in economic policies that reward citizens for borrowing, spending and even for defaulting on their obligations, and which punish citizens for what we have traditionally considered to be responsible and desirable behaviour - saving and conserving.
It's that simple.
It's wrong and it has to stop - ultimately with us as voters.

The day will come when saving and conserving will again be preferred to borrowing and spending.
Like it or not, a recession will hasten the arrival of that day, and that is a good thing, particularly in the context of our long-overheated economic pressure-cooker environment.
So let me say it here to Mr. Bernanke, Mr. Bush, and Mr. Paulson (just for starters):

We've had enough of the current low interest rate inflationary policies. Let's stop it here and now and get back to basics - while we can still afford to do so!
Let's stop borrowing and spending.
Let's start saving and conserving.
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