Sunday, July 31, 2011
Canadiana: Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams "made it big" in the US, based on some of his sappier romantic ballads, but his earlier work is far better.
Canadiana: Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams "made it big" in the US, based on some of his sappier romantic ballads, but his earlier work is far better.

Examining the Darker Side of Circumstances
O-Bon Odori 2011

Once a year in both July and August, depending on which region of Japan, people commemorate and honor their ancestors in a nightly festival.
Tonight, join Mitsu Figaro and Touma Yoshikawa in the Ballroom inside Coughton Court in Caledon Rothesay for an O-bon Odori dance at 7pm SLT to 8.30Pm SLT. A celebration of japanese music, both old and new
Japanese clothing is preferred but not required!
China Will Not Unload Its US Government Bonds Because of the Debt Ceiling Crisis
I thought I should write this while the debt ceiling debate is still raging. I want to make these statements before the matter is settled.
To begin, the debate over the ceiling is for real - it's not a charade. The Tea Party folks were elected to reign in US government spending. They aren't faking.
Further, let's say a deal is not reached by August 2. This would not necessarily mean that US government bonds would collapse in value. Continuing revenues could still be channelled to meet interest payments on US debt (which are presently only about 10% of US government expenditures - though solely because interest rates remain low).
Since the US prints its own money, it is well-known that the country cannot run out of cash (it can only run out of cash that has lasting value). This is unlike Greece, which shares the Euro as a currency along with the other members of the European Monetary Union. Greece cannot “print money,” but the US can.
However, there has been talk that the Chinese, who now hold something like $1.2 trillion in US debt instruments, could “foreclose” on the US, basically tanking the US currency and with it the US economy.
This argument misapprehends why the Chinese have accumulated $1.2 trillion US dollars in the first place.
If you want to understand this better, I recommend that you read an excellent article by a professor at Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management in Beijing. In a very concise piece, Professor Patrick Chovanec makes clear why the current Chinese economic strategy not only requires China to keep its existing US government bonds, but in fact to continue buying more (though they are certainly diversifying).
Professor Chovanec states, "China’s growth model for the past 30 years relies, in large part, on running a trade surplus (selling more than it buys from abroad) in order to maximize capital accumulation and therefore investment at home. At the same it, it encourages inflows of foreign investment into China in order to speed up that process even further, while restricting Chinese money from flowing abroad, in all but a few controlled circumstances.
"The result is that foreign currency flows into China and piles up, with no outlet to flow back out again. Normally, all those excess dollars that were piling up in China would fall in value relative to the RMB, until the imbalances corrected themselves. However, in order to keep those imbalances in place, the Chinese government intervenes to buy up all those excess dollars (and euros, and yen) itself, to keep its currency from appreciating, and accumulates them as official reserves. It has to invest those reserves somewhere until it decides to use them to buy U.S. goods or make more direct investments with them abroad.
"Since the U.S. is China’s largest customer, and since many smaller customers also settle their international trade in U.S. dollars, roughly 70% of China’s $3 trillion reserves are in dollars. In theory, it could sell some of those dollars for other currencies or for commodities, like gold or oil, but in practice, given the huge sums they are already holding, its hard for China to sell off even some of its dollars without undermining the value of what it has left. Even if it could do that, there just aren’t any markets that are as large or liquid as the market for U.S. Treasuries, to accommodate the amounts of money we’re talking about. The fact is, as long as China wants to sell goods for dollars, and decides to accumulate those dollars as reserves rather than spending them on imports or investments, it has little choice not only to hold the Treasuries it already owns, but keep buying more and more."
---I'm not saying the US is not headed down the road to disaster. It is. Things have already gone too far. But the Chinese are not going to upset the applecart next week, whether the debt ceiling is raised, eliminated by presidential decree or maintained.
Click here for Prof. Chovanec’s article.
Oh, just in case you thought that the Tea Party folks are really here to fix the problem, have a look at which party ran up the biggest tally of new Federal expenditures in US history:
I'm not calling Mr. Obama innocent. He has certainly been a big spender - but he has been no match for the George W. Bush Republicans! As they say, politics makes for strange bedfellows.
Spiritual Sunday

gullar sahir produces this program in conjunction with the Alexandrian Free Library Consortium of Second Life. You can listen to the program now at Today's music originates from the music library of Gabrielle Riel.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Summertime and the Living Is (Not) Easy!
We've reached the end of another GREAT month in the Lair and I'm thrilled to send July out with a BANG (or is that boom?) by welcoming my good friend and Lair favorite Marie Force back for a visit. The third book in Marie's "Fatal" series, Fatal Consequences, was released this month, along with a lot of other stuff. But I'll let Marie tell you all about it:
Greetings to the Banditas! Thank you SO much to my dear friend Aunty Cindy and the gang for having me back again to celebrate the release of my new book, Fatal Consequences. This is book 3 in my Fatal Series, which pairs D.C. homicide detective Lt. Sam Holland with U.S. Senator Nick Cappuano. The Fatal books mix romance with politics and mystery, and book 3 has plenty of all three. Here’s a brief bit about the book:
The murder of two members of the Capitol Cleaning Service might’ve been just another homicide investigation—that is if one of them hadn’t been romantically involved with a married senator from Arizona. Lt. Sam Holland and her team are plunged into another complex case that at first seems open and shut. But as Sam tugs on the threads of the investigation she uncovers a deep, dark Washington secret that threatens the careers of some of the government’s highest-ranking officials. Racing to catch a killer before he can strike again, Sam and her fiancé, U.S. Senator Nick Cappuano, attempt to plan a wedding while her colleague Detective Tommy “Gonzo” Gonzales faces life-changing news.
It’s fitting that I should end what has been one of the most insane months of my life with my friends at the gullar sahir. I definitely need to celebrate that July 2011 is coming to an end. Let me give you the rundown… keeping in mind that Fatal book 4, Fatal Flaw, was due yesterday.
July began with the final day of the Romance Writers of America conference in New York City. Fatal Flaw was about half done at this point, and not going well for reasons to be discussed later. After sprinting home to spend the Fourth of July holiday with my family, I had to re-pack for a six-day trip to Atlanta for my day job’s annual meeting. Not a word got written on Flaw while my daughter and I were in Atlanta.
Returning home, we celebrated her 16th birthday and the launch of Fatal Consequences, both on the 18th. That same day, she started driver’s ed from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. for ten straight weekdays. Oh the joy of hauling a sixteen-year-old out of bed at 5:20 a.m., in the summer, for driver’s ed. Around that same time, she got her first real job, working as a hostess in a five-star restaurant in downtown Newport, RI, which is about thirty minutes from where we live. And did I mention my son, soon-to-be 13, is attending sailing camp, also in downtown Newport, but during the day. One kid to Newport in the morning, the other kid to Newport in the afternoon and an 11 p.m. pickup for the working girl. My husband helps, but since I work from home, most of it falls on me.
Did I mention that we are gearing up at work to move our company’s website to a new platform? To save some money, we decided to hand move all 800 pages and 10,000 linked files and images ourselves. And that started this week , the same week my book is due and the same week the quarterly magazine I edit for work is on deadline. Calgon, where are you when I need you? Thankfully, (and I never thought I’d say this), our designer is running late on the magazine, and it got bumped to next week. There is a God.
Back to Fatal Flaw, which hung over my head like a shiny, sharp guillotine this entire month. I finished it at 9 p.m. on July 29, the day before it was due. I wrote 18,000 words in three days, and my hands feel like they’re 80 and arthritic. Thankfully, I have three faithful beta readers who were critiquing as I went, which is how we managed to discover. . .wait for it. . . a fatal flaw in the story.
This is my 19th book, so I have somewhat of a routine by now, but nothing was working, and I didn’t have the luxury of time to blame it on the stress and chaos of my life. The writing was like pulling teeth, and I couldn’t figure out why. Then, when I was 70,000 words into the book, my betas helped me identify a major problem (aka the fatal flaw) in the story. Once I fixed that by writing five new opening chapters—something I have never done before—the writing flowed the way it normally does, giving me an ‘ah-ha’ moment: If the writing is like pulling teeth, something is wrong. Figure out what’s wrong and fix it. My editor and I have chatted about watching out what we name future books so as not to bring the bad karma to the writing.
To say I am THRILLED that July 2011 is behind me is putting it mildly. I plan to spend August working on that website migration at work and in my free time, catching up on my TBR, lolling about on the beach and my dad’s boat, hanging with my kids and having a bunch of family and friends visit. I am sooooo ready for a break from the pressure cooker. Later in August, I plan to get to work on my fourth McCarthy book and hopefully a Christmas novella for that series. In addition, I have four other books I am preparing for publication, starting later this year: Georgia on My Mind as well as my beloved Treading Water trilogy: Treading Water, Marking Time and Starting Over, so be on the lookout for all of them soon!
Summertime and the living is easy—or not. Which is it for you? Thanks for coming by and helping me to celebrate the end of the month from hell! I’ll give a copy of Fatal Consequences to one commenter today.
Keep an eye out for the Sept. 5 launch of the FREE Fatal wedding novella, Fatal Destiny, in which Sam and Nick tie the knot. Until then, I’ll be at the beach!
Enjoy the beach, Marie! Sounds like you could use a rest!
Marie Force is the bestselling, award-winning author of the Fatal Series from Harlequin’s Carina Press. The series includes FATAL AFFAIR, FATAL JUSTICE, FATAL CONSEQUENCES and FATAL DESTINY, which is out Sept. 5. FATAL FLAW is coming in February 2012.Earlier this year, Marie published her popular, bestselling McCarthys of Gansett Island Series: MAID FOR LOVE, FOOL FOR LOVE and READY FOR LOVE, with more books coming soon in the series. Find out more about Marie and her books at her website:, on her blog at, where she runs the weekly Romance & Oreos Book Club, on Facebook at, and on Twitter @marieforce.
Appendix N Update
Adams, Richard: Watership Down
Alexander, Lloyd: The Book of Three 1; The Black Cauldron 2; The Castle of Llyr 3; Taran Wanderer 4; The High King 5
Anderson, Poul: Ensign Flandry; Flandry Of Terra; Agent of the Terran Empire; The Long Night; Three Hearts and Three Lions; The Broken Sword; The High Crusade; A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows
Anthony, Piers: A Spell for Chameleon; On A Pale Horse
Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando Furioso
Asprin, Robert A.: Thieves World I; Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn II; Shadows of Sanctuary III; Storm Season IV; The Face of Chaos V; Another Fine Myth
Barker, M.A.R.: The Man Of Gold; Flamesong
Baum, L. Frank: The Wizard Of Oz, Emerald City Of Oz, Land of Oz
Beagle, Peter S.: The Last Unicorn
Bellairs, John: The Face In The Frost
Bellamy, Francis R : Atta
Bloodstone, John: Thundar Man Of Two Worlds
Bok, Hannes: The Sorcerers Ship
Brackett, Leigh: Eric John Stark, Outlaw Of Mars; The Best Of Leigh Brackett; The Sword Of Rhiannon; The Ginger Star 1; The Hounds Of Skaith 2; Reavers of Skaith
Bradley, Marion Z: Sword and Sorceress Anthology
Brooks, Terry: The Sword of Shannara
Brown, Fredric:
Burroughs, Edgar R.: Pellucidar; Tanar of Pellucidar; A Princess Of Mars 1; The Gods Of Mars 2; Warlord Of Mars 3; Thuvia, Maid Of Mars 4; Chessmen of Mars 5; The Mastermind of Mars 6; A Fighting Man of Mars 7; The Moon Maid; Out of Time’s Abyss; Jungle Girl, Land of Hidden Men; Tarzan Of The Apes 1; The Return Of Tarzan 2; The Beasts of Tarzan 3; The Son Of Tarzan 4; Tarzan and the Lost Empire 10; At The Earth's Core
Campbell, J Ramsey: Demons by Daylight
Carter, Lin: Thongor and the Dragon City; Thongor and the Wizards of Lemuria; Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus; Zanathon; Tower at the Edge of Time; The Black Star; Beyond The Gates Of Dream; Down To A Sunless Sea; Journey to the Underground World; Warrior of World’s End; Flashing Swords 1; Flashing Swords 2; Flashing Swords 5; New Worlds For Old; The Young Magicians
Cervantes, Miguel: Don Quixote
Chalker, Jack L.: Midnight at the Well of Souls 1; Exiles at the Well of Souls 2; Quest For the Well Of Souls 3; The Return of Nathan Brazil 4, Twilight at the Well of Souls 5
Chant, Joy: Red Moon And Black Mountain
Cherryh, C.J.:
Cook, Glen: The Black Company
Daley, Brian: Han Solo At Star’s End; Han Solo’s Revenge, Han Solo And The Lost Legacy
Davidson, Avram: The Phoenix In The Mirror, The Island Under the Earth
deCamp, L. Sprague: The Complete Compleat Enchanter; The Compleat Enchanter; Lovecraft, A Biography; Warlocks and Warriors; The Fallible Fiend; Conan The Barbarian; Conan And The Spider God; Lest Darkness Fall; The Carnelian Cube; The Emperors Fan; The Reluctant King; The Goblin Tower; The Clocks Of Iraz
Derleth, August: The Trail of Cthuhlu
Dickson, Gordon R.:
Donaldson, Stephen: Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: The Lost World
Dumas, Alexandre: The Three Musketeers
Dunsany, Lord: The King Of Elfland’s Daughter; Over the Hills and Far Away; The Charwoman's Shadow
Eco, Umberto: The Name Of The Rose
Eddings, David: Pawn of Prophecy, Queen Of Sorcery, Magician’s Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter’s Endgame
Eddison, E. R.: The Worm Ouroboros; Mistress of Mistresses; A Fish Dinner In Memison
Ende, Michael: The Neverending Story
Farmer, Philip Jose: The Maker Of Universes 1; The Gates Of Creation 2; A Private Cosmos 3; Hadon Of Ancient Opar
Fiest, Raymond: Magician
Finney, Charles: The Unholy City, The Circus of Dr. Lao
Foster, Alan Dean: Nor Crystal Tears, Splinter of the Minds Eye; The End of the Matter; The Tar-Aiym Krang; Bloodhype; Orphan Star; For Love Of Mother-Not; The Time Of The Transference
Fox, Gardner: Kothar Barbarian Swordsman; Kyrik Warlock Warrior
Funke, Cornelia: Inkheart
Gardner, Craig Shaw: A Malady Of Magicks
Garner, Alan: Elidor; The Weirdstone of Brisingamen
Gemmell, David: Legend
Goldman, William: The Princess Bride
Glut, Donald F: The Empire Strikes Back
Gygax, Gary: The Samarkand Solution; The Anubis Murders; Infernal Sorceress, Death In Delhi
Haggard, H. Rider: The People Of The Mist; The World's Desire; She And Allan; King Solomon Mines; She
Hambly, Barbara: The Time of the Dark, The Walls Of Air, The Armies of Daylight, The Ladies of Mandrigyn, Dragonsbane
Harrison, Harry: The Adventures Of The Stainless Street Rat; The Stainless Steel Rat
Heinlein, Robert: Glory Road
Hickman, Tracy:
Hodgson, W.H.: The House On The Borderland
Holmes, John Eric: Mahars of Pellucidar
Howard, Robert E.: Sword Woman; Almuric; The People Of The Black Circle; Red Nails; Shadow Kingdoms; People Of The Dark; Beyond The Black River; The Hour Of The Dragon; Black Hounds Of Death; Conan 1; Conan Of Cimmeria 2; Conan the Freebooter 3; Conan the Wanderer 4; Conan the Adventurer 5; Conan the Buccaneer 6; Conan The Warrior 7; Conan The Usurper 8; Conan The Conqueror 9; Conan The Avenger 10; Conan Of Aquilonia 11; Conan of The Isles 12; Solomon Kane, The Hills Of The Dead; Skull-Face; Black Canaan; Swords Of Shahrazar; Marchers Of Valhalla
Hyne, C J Cutliffe: The Lost Continent
Jakes, John: Brak The Barbarian; Mark of Demons; The Sorceress
Jackson, Steve: Fighting Fantasy
Kline, Otis Adelbert: Swordsman Of Mars, Outlaw Of Mars, Planet of Peril
Kuttner, Henry: The Mask Of Circe; Elak Of Atlantis, The Dark World, Robots Have No Tails
Kurtz, Katherine: Deryni Rising; Deryni Checkmate; High Deryni
Lanier, Sterling: Hiero’s Journey; The Unforsaken Hiero
L’Engle, Madeleine: A Wrinkle In Time
Le Guin, Ursula: A Wizard Of Earthsea; The Left Hand Of Darkness; Tehanu; The Farthest Shore
Lee, Tanith: The Book Of The Damned I; The Book Of The Beast II; The Storm Lord, The Birthgrave, The Dragon Hoard, Night’s Master, Death’s Master
Leiber, Fritz: Swords and Deviltry 1; Swords Against Death 2; Swords In The Mist 3; Swords And Wizardry 4; The Swords of Lankhmar 5; Swords and Ice Magic 6
Lindsay, David: A Voyage To Arcturus
Lovecraft, H.P.: The Doom That Came To Sarnath; The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath; The Shadow Over Innsmouth; At The Mountains Of Madness; The Lurker At The Threshold; The Tomb; The Watchers Out Of Time; Waking Up Screaming; The Dunwich Horror
Martin, George R.R.: Dying Of The Light; A Song Of Ice And Fire
Matheson, Richard: I Am Legend
McCaffery, Anne: The Ship Who Sang; Dinosaur Planet
Merritt, A.: The Ship Of Ishtar; The Seven Footprints Of Satan; The Moon Pool; Dwellers In the Mirage; Creep Shadow Creep
Miller, Walter: A Canticle For Leibowitz
Moorcock, Michael: Legends From The End Of Time; The Jewel In The Skull; The Mad God’s Amulet; The Sleeping Sorceress; The Runestaff; The Lord of the Spiders; The Masters of the Pit; The City of the Beast; The Warlord of the Air; Stealer Of Souls; Stormbringer; Elric of Melnibone; The Sword Of The Dawn
Moore, C.L.: Northwest Smith; Jirel Of Joiry
Morris, William: The Well At Worlds End I; The Well At Worlds End II; The Wood Beyond the World; The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Mundy, Talbot: Tros Of Samothrace
Niven, Larry: The Man-Kzin Wars; A World Out Of Time; A Gift From Earth; Tales of Known Space; Neutron Star; The Magic May Return; The Magic Goes Away; The Flight of the Horse
Norman, John: Tarnsman Of Gor 1; Outlaw Of Gor 2; Priest-Kings Of Gor 3; Nomads Of Gor 4; Assassin Of Gor 5; Raiders Of Gor 6; Captive Of Gor 7; Hunters Of Gor 8; Marauders Of Gor 9, Tribesmen Of Gor 10, Slave Girl of Gor 11; Time Slave
Norton, Andre: Quag Keep; Exiles of the Stars; Warlock of Witch World; High Sorcery; Witch World; Sargasso Of Space; Lord Of Thunder
Nowlan, Philip F.: Armageddon 2419 A.D.
Offutt, Andrew J.: Demon In The Mirror; Eyes Of Sarsis; Web Of The Spider; Conan, The Sword of Skelos; Conan The Mercenary; Swords Against Darkness I; Swords Against Darkness II; Swords Against Darkness III; Swords Against Darkness IV; Swords Against Darkness V; The Iron Lords; Cormac Mac Art
Piper, H. Beam: Space Viking
Pratchett, Terry: The Colour Of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Equal Rites, Mort
Pratt, Fletcher: Land Of Unreason; The Blue Star; The Well of the Unicorn; The Carnelian Cube
Saberhagen, Fred: The First Book Of Swords; Second Book Of Swords; Third Book Of Swords; Empire Of The East
Schmitz, James: The Witches of Karres
Sims, John:
Sirota, Mike: Master Of Boranga
Smith, Clark Ashton: Lost Worlds Volume 1; Lost Worlds Volume 2; Out Of Space And Time 1; Out Of Space And Time 2; The Abominations of Yondo; Genius Loci; Poseidonis; Zothique; Hyperborea; Xiccarph
Smith, E.E. ‘Doc’: Triplanetary
Springer, Nancy: The White Hart
St. Clair, Margaret: The Shadow People; Sign of the Labrys
Stasheff, Christopher: The Warlock Wandering; A Warlock's Blade; Warlock And Son; The Warlock Is Missing; Her Majesty's Wizard; King Kobold
Stewart, Mary: The Crystal Cave; The Hollow Hills; The Last Enchantment
Swann, Thomas: Cry Silver Bells; Moondust
Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Hobbit, The Lord Of The Rings
Van Arnam, Dave: Star Barbarian
Van Vogt, A.E.: The Voyage Of The Space Beagle; Quest For The Future
Vance, Jack: The Languages Of The Pao; The Dragon Masters; The Best of Jack Vance; The Dying Earth; The Eyes of the Overworld; Cugel’s Saga; Rhialto The Marvelous; Trullion, Alastor 2262; Wyst, Alastor 1716; Marune, Alastor 933; The Faceless Man 1; The Brave Free Men 2; The Astura 3; Lyonesse 1; The Green Pearl 2; Madouc 3; The Face 4; The Blue World; Galactic Effectuator; Big Planet; City Of The Chasch 1; The Dirdir 3; Suldrun's Garden
Verne, Jules: The Mysterious Island
Wagner, Karl E: Bloodstone, Death Angel’s Shadow, Dark Crusade
Weinbaum, Stanley; The Black Flame; A Martian Odyssey
Wellman, Manly Wade: The Old Gods Waken; Silver John; Who Fears The Devil?
White, Theodore: The Once and Future King
Williams, Robert M.: Return of Jongor
Williamson, Jack: The Legion Of Space
Zelazny, Roger: Nine Princes In Amber; The Guns of Avalon; Sign of the Unicorn; The Hand of Oberon; The Courts of Chaos; Jack Of Shadows; Dilvish, The Damned; The Changing Land; Isle of the Dead; Trumps of Doom; Blood Of Amber; Sign Of Chaos; Knight Of Shadows; Prince of Chaos
Appendix N Update
Adams, Richard: Watership Down
Alexander, Lloyd: The Book of Three 1; The Black Cauldron 2; The Castle of Llyr 3; Taran Wanderer 4; The High King 5
Anderson, Poul: Ensign Flandry; Flandry Of Terra; Agent of the Terran Empire; The Long Night; Three Hearts and Three Lions; The Broken Sword; The High Crusade; A Knight Of Ghosts And Shadows
Anthony, Piers: A Spell for Chameleon; On A Pale Horse
Ariosto, Ludovico: Orlando Furioso
Asprin, Robert A.: Thieves World I; Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn II; Shadows of Sanctuary III; Storm Season IV; The Face of Chaos V; Another Fine Myth
Barker, M.A.R.: The Man Of Gold; Flamesong
Baum, L. Frank: The Wizard Of Oz, Emerald City Of Oz, Land of Oz
Beagle, Peter S.: The Last Unicorn
Bellairs, John: The Face In The Frost
Bellamy, Francis R : Atta
Bloodstone, John: Thundar Man Of Two Worlds
Bok, Hannes: The Sorcerers Ship
Brackett, Leigh: Eric John Stark, Outlaw Of Mars; The Best Of Leigh Brackett; The Sword Of Rhiannon; The Ginger Star 1; The Hounds Of Skaith 2; Reavers of Skaith
Bradley, Marion Z: Sword and Sorceress Anthology
Brooks, Terry: The Sword of Shannara
Brown, Fredric:
Burroughs, Edgar R.: Pellucidar; Tanar of Pellucidar; A Princess Of Mars 1; The Gods Of Mars 2; Warlord Of Mars 3; Thuvia, Maid Of Mars 4; Chessmen of Mars 5; The Mastermind of Mars 6; A Fighting Man of Mars 7; The Moon Maid; Out of Time’s Abyss; Jungle Girl, Land of Hidden Men; Tarzan Of The Apes 1; The Return Of Tarzan 2; The Beasts of Tarzan 3; The Son Of Tarzan 4; Tarzan and the Lost Empire 10; At The Earth's Core
Campbell, J Ramsey: Demons by Daylight
Carter, Lin: Thongor and the Dragon City; Thongor and the Wizards of Lemuria; Thongor Fights the Pirates of Tarakus; Zanathon; Tower at the Edge of Time; The Black Star; Beyond The Gates Of Dream; Down To A Sunless Sea; Journey to the Underground World; Warrior of World’s End; Flashing Swords 1; Flashing Swords 2; Flashing Swords 5; New Worlds For Old; The Young Magicians
Cervantes, Miguel: Don Quixote
Chalker, Jack L.: Midnight at the Well of Souls 1; Exiles at the Well of Souls 2; Quest For the Well Of Souls 3; The Return of Nathan Brazil 4, Twilight at the Well of Souls 5
Chant, Joy: Red Moon And Black Mountain
Cherryh, C.J.:
Cook, Glen: The Black Company
Daley, Brian: Han Solo At Star’s End; Han Solo’s Revenge, Han Solo And The Lost Legacy
Davidson, Avram: The Phoenix In The Mirror, The Island Under the Earth
deCamp, L. Sprague: The Complete Compleat Enchanter; The Compleat Enchanter; Lovecraft, A Biography; Warlocks and Warriors; The Fallible Fiend; Conan The Barbarian; Conan And The Spider God; Lest Darkness Fall; The Carnelian Cube; The Emperors Fan; The Reluctant King; The Goblin Tower; The Clocks Of Iraz
Derleth, August: The Trail of Cthuhlu
Dickson, Gordon R.:
Donaldson, Stephen: Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan: The Lost World
Dumas, Alexandre: The Three Musketeers
Dunsany, Lord: The King Of Elfland’s Daughter; Over the Hills and Far Away; The Charwoman's Shadow
Eco, Umberto: The Name Of The Rose
Eddings, David: Pawn of Prophecy, Queen Of Sorcery, Magician’s Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter’s Endgame
Eddison, E. R.: The Worm Ouroboros; Mistress of Mistresses; A Fish Dinner In Memison
Ende, Michael: The Neverending Story
Farmer, Philip Jose: The Maker Of Universes 1; The Gates Of Creation 2; A Private Cosmos 3; Hadon Of Ancient Opar
Fiest, Raymond: Magician
Finney, Charles: The Unholy City, The Circus of Dr. Lao
Foster, Alan Dean: Nor Crystal Tears, Splinter of the Minds Eye; The End of the Matter; The Tar-Aiym Krang; Bloodhype; Orphan Star; For Love Of Mother-Not; The Time Of The Transference
Fox, Gardner: Kothar Barbarian Swordsman; Kyrik Warlock Warrior
Funke, Cornelia: Inkheart
Gardner, Craig Shaw: A Malady Of Magicks
Garner, Alan: Elidor; The Weirdstone of Brisingamen
Gemmell, David: Legend
Goldman, William: The Princess Bride
Glut, Donald F: The Empire Strikes Back
Gygax, Gary: The Samarkand Solution; The Anubis Murders; Infernal Sorceress, Death In Delhi
Haggard, H. Rider: The People Of The Mist; The World's Desire; She And Allan; King Solomon Mines; She
Hambly, Barbara: The Time of the Dark, The Walls Of Air, The Armies of Daylight, The Ladies of Mandrigyn, Dragonsbane
Harrison, Harry: The Adventures Of The Stainless Street Rat; The Stainless Steel Rat
Heinlein, Robert: Glory Road
Hickman, Tracy:
Hodgson, W.H.: The House On The Borderland
Holmes, John Eric: Mahars of Pellucidar
Howard, Robert E.: Sword Woman; Almuric; The People Of The Black Circle; Red Nails; Shadow Kingdoms; People Of The Dark; Beyond The Black River; The Hour Of The Dragon; Black Hounds Of Death; Conan 1; Conan Of Cimmeria 2; Conan the Freebooter 3; Conan the Wanderer 4; Conan the Adventurer 5; Conan the Buccaneer 6; Conan The Warrior 7; Conan The Usurper 8; Conan The Conqueror 9; Conan The Avenger 10; Conan Of Aquilonia 11; Conan of The Isles 12; Solomon Kane, The Hills Of The Dead; Skull-Face; Black Canaan; Swords Of Shahrazar; Marchers Of Valhalla
Hyne, C J Cutliffe: The Lost Continent
Jakes, John: Brak The Barbarian; Mark of Demons; The Sorceress
Jackson, Steve: Fighting Fantasy
Kline, Otis Adelbert: Swordsman Of Mars, Outlaw Of Mars, Planet of Peril
Kuttner, Henry: The Mask Of Circe; Elak Of Atlantis, The Dark World, Robots Have No Tails
Kurtz, Katherine: Deryni Rising; Deryni Checkmate; High Deryni
Lanier, Sterling: Hiero’s Journey; The Unforsaken Hiero
L’Engle, Madeleine: A Wrinkle In Time
Le Guin, Ursula: A Wizard Of Earthsea; The Left Hand Of Darkness; Tehanu; The Farthest Shore
Lee, Tanith: The Book Of The Damned I; The Book Of The Beast II; The Storm Lord, The Birthgrave, The Dragon Hoard, Night’s Master, Death’s Master
Leiber, Fritz: Swords and Deviltry 1; Swords Against Death 2; Swords In The Mist 3; Swords And Wizardry 4; The Swords of Lankhmar 5; Swords and Ice Magic 6
Lindsay, David: A Voyage To Arcturus
Lovecraft, H.P.: The Doom That Came To Sarnath; The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath; The Shadow Over Innsmouth; At The Mountains Of Madness; The Lurker At The Threshold; The Tomb; The Watchers Out Of Time; Waking Up Screaming; The Dunwich Horror
Martin, George R.R.: Dying Of The Light; A Song Of Ice And Fire
Matheson, Richard: I Am Legend
McCaffery, Anne: The Ship Who Sang; Dinosaur Planet
Merritt, A.: The Ship Of Ishtar; The Seven Footprints Of Satan; The Moon Pool; Dwellers In the Mirage; Creep Shadow Creep
Miller, Walter: A Canticle For Leibowitz
Moorcock, Michael: Legends From The End Of Time; The Jewel In The Skull; The Mad God’s Amulet; The Sleeping Sorceress; The Runestaff; The Lord of the Spiders; The Masters of the Pit; The City of the Beast; The Warlord of the Air; Stealer Of Souls; Stormbringer; Elric of Melnibone; The Sword Of The Dawn
Moore, C.L.: Northwest Smith; Jirel Of Joiry
Morris, William: The Well At Worlds End I; The Well At Worlds End II; The Wood Beyond the World; The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Mundy, Talbot: Tros Of Samothrace
Niven, Larry: The Man-Kzin Wars; A World Out Of Time; A Gift From Earth; Tales of Known Space; Neutron Star; The Magic May Return; The Magic Goes Away; The Flight of the Horse
Norman, John: Tarnsman Of Gor 1; Outlaw Of Gor 2; Priest-Kings Of Gor 3; Nomads Of Gor 4; Assassin Of Gor 5; Raiders Of Gor 6; Captive Of Gor 7; Hunters Of Gor 8; Marauders Of Gor 9, Tribesmen Of Gor 10, Slave Girl of Gor 11; Time Slave
Norton, Andre: Quag Keep; Exiles of the Stars; Warlock of Witch World; High Sorcery; Witch World; Sargasso Of Space; Lord Of Thunder
Nowlan, Philip F.: Armageddon 2419 A.D.
Offutt, Andrew J.: Demon In The Mirror; Eyes Of Sarsis; Web Of The Spider; Conan, The Sword of Skelos; Conan The Mercenary; Swords Against Darkness I; Swords Against Darkness II; Swords Against Darkness III; Swords Against Darkness IV; Swords Against Darkness V; The Iron Lords; Cormac Mac Art
Piper, H. Beam: Space Viking
Pratchett, Terry: The Colour Of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Equal Rites, Mort
Pratt, Fletcher: Land Of Unreason; The Blue Star; The Well of the Unicorn; The Carnelian Cube
Saberhagen, Fred: The First Book Of Swords; Second Book Of Swords; Third Book Of Swords; Empire Of The East
Schmitz, James: The Witches of Karres
Sims, John:
Sirota, Mike: Master Of Boranga
Smith, Clark Ashton: Lost Worlds Volume 1; Lost Worlds Volume 2; Out Of Space And Time 1; Out Of Space And Time 2; The Abominations of Yondo; Genius Loci; Poseidonis; Zothique; Hyperborea; Xiccarph
Smith, E.E. ‘Doc’: Triplanetary
Springer, Nancy: The White Hart
St. Clair, Margaret: The Shadow People; Sign of the Labrys
Stasheff, Christopher: The Warlock Wandering; A Warlock's Blade; Warlock And Son; The Warlock Is Missing; Her Majesty's Wizard; King Kobold
Stewart, Mary: The Crystal Cave; The Hollow Hills; The Last Enchantment
Swann, Thomas: Cry Silver Bells; Moondust
Tolkien, J.R.R.: The Hobbit, The Lord Of The Rings
Van Arnam, Dave: Star Barbarian
Van Vogt, A.E.: The Voyage Of The Space Beagle; Quest For The Future
Vance, Jack: The Languages Of The Pao; The Dragon Masters; The Best of Jack Vance; The Dying Earth; The Eyes of the Overworld; Cugel’s Saga; Rhialto The Marvelous; Trullion, Alastor 2262; Wyst, Alastor 1716; Marune, Alastor 933; The Faceless Man 1; The Brave Free Men 2; The Astura 3; Lyonesse 1; The Green Pearl 2; Madouc 3; The Face 4; The Blue World; Galactic Effectuator; Big Planet; City Of The Chasch 1; The Dirdir 3; Suldrun's Garden
Verne, Jules: The Mysterious Island
Wagner, Karl E: Bloodstone, Death Angel’s Shadow, Dark Crusade
Weinbaum, Stanley; The Black Flame; A Martian Odyssey
Wellman, Manly Wade: The Old Gods Waken; Silver John; Who Fears The Devil?
White, Theodore: The Once and Future King
Williams, Robert M.: Return of Jongor
Williamson, Jack: The Legion Of Space
Zelazny, Roger: Nine Princes In Amber; The Guns of Avalon; Sign of the Unicorn; The Hand of Oberon; The Courts of Chaos; Jack Of Shadows; Dilvish, The Damned; The Changing Land; Isle of the Dead; Trumps of Doom; Blood Of Amber; Sign Of Chaos; Knight Of Shadows; Prince of Chaos
Main: Music for Shakespeare

Then please join us at 11am and 7pm Pacific Time (19:00 and 03:00 in the UK) for the latest instalments in our exciting radio adventures - Part 2 of Jack Flanders in Dreams of Bali and Part 2 of Ruby 8 - Good King Kapoor in The ZBS Radio Hour.
Today's programme is presented by Elrik Merlin and produced by gullar sahir in conjunction with our friends at the Alexandrian Free Library Consortium of Second Life. You can listen to the programme in-world now at, or simply click here to start your player, if your browser is configured to do so. Listeners in the United States are encouraged to tune in using this link:
For more information on the Alexandrian Free Library, current exhibits and the work of Consortium members in general, please visit the Alexandrian Free Library website, or one of their branches in-world.
Friday, July 29, 2011
CSI Launch in the Lair!

We're not exactly having a Launch Party today. Do I hear groans and sighs of disappointment. The Banditas and their BB's are always up for a raucous event.
Never fear! We have the usual finger foods and goodies on hand. Sven's been hard at work in the kitchen making canapes and those little barbecued sausages, as well as caviar and champagne.
The party preparations are on temporary halt, however, because we have a serious problem in the Lair.

In case you're confused look to the left for Evidence #1 -- the purloined book!
Missing, MISSING, I tell you! And someone must pay!
You might suspect the Golden Rooster carried the book off to the Land of Oz or even -- shudder -- to the "right coast." Or perhaps a Bandita Buddy from down south "appropriated" the proof prize. Not naming names, again, but I hear some of those southern gals have sticky fingers.
In fact, our famous Chook is NOT the culprit, but the investigator. So line up the usual suspects and let the case begin!
GR: What? What? Oh, that's right, some naughty visitor to the Lair has stolen Jo-Mama's proof of "The Watcher." Let me see, let me see (dons his Sherlock Holmes hat and whips out his magnifying glass).
Sven: Not I! I've been slaving in the kitchen for days (looks darkly at Lars). With NO help, I might add.
Lars: Don't look at me (eyes Aunty Cindy's pretty colored toes greedily). I've been playing with pinkies all day.
[Enter Gladiators Demitrius and Marcus, flashing swords.]
Jo-Mama: What about those two?
GR: Not likely. They never learned to read, just a bunch of steroid-pumped hunks (looks jealously at the Gladiators).
JM: Say it isn't so! Reading is the foundation of civilization!
GR: Whatever. (Bends over, examining a dusty spot on the end table of the reading room.) Hmmmm, looks like the book was lying here.
JM: Good grief! How can you tell MY book was there? There are millions of Bandita books around here. (Flings her arms wildly) It IS the gullar sahir Lair, after all. Books are coming out all the time!
GR: I see dead people.
JM: What are you talking about, you crazy chook?
GR: Dead people! Aren't your books full of dead people?
JM: Well, sure, "The Watcher" is a romantic thriller, but it's not ALL about murder and mayhem. There's a very sensual love story in it. Kate and Slater have an instant connection between them, and although she's single minded to the point of annoyance, Slater's just the man to, uh . . . distract her.
Forensic psychiatrist Kate Myers believes the killer of two teenage girls in Bigler County, California, is the same man who savagely murdered her twin sister over fifteen years ago. Working with a single-minded tenacity, she sets out to prove it.
Deputy Ben Slater hides his personal pain behind the job, but Kate's arrival in his county knocks his world on its axis. He wants to believe her wild theory, but the idea of a serial killer with the kind of pathology she proposes is too bizarre.
Together they work to find a killer whose roots began in a small town in Bigler county, but whose violence spread across the nation. A Janus-like killer, more monster than man, he fixates on Kate. The killer wants nothing more than to kill the "purple-eyed girl again."

[Enter Paolo, Lucius, and the Hockey Hunks, led by Zach, all bearing trays of champagne and bottle of Coke and Pepsi -- perennial rivals in the Lair]
GR: (shouting at the top of his lungs) Let the festivities begin!
AC: (Grabbing for the champagne) Give me one of those! (sniffs loudly) I hope that nasty Ermigarde isn't going to eat all the food.
GR: (Stumbles about, muttering) Clues, clues, must follows the clues.
Readers, join us in the hunt for my proof copy of "The Watcher." Who do YOU think purloined the book? One of the Banditas or Buddies? One of the Lair denizens or guests? Or someone we'd never, ever think of! Heh, heh, who's the main suspect??!!
One clever commenter who convinces me who the guilty culprit is and WHY will receive a free download of "The Watcher" when it becomes available the end of August.
Everyone who emails me a snail mail addy ( will receive an autographed postcard of the book cover and will be entered to win a PRINT COPY of "The Watcher."