Usually, it's Dante that does the gardening post. However, he has nothing new to show this week, so he decided to turn the reigns over to his brother, Dylan.
Dylan doesn't do any work in the garden. He idles. Idling is essential to the 'idyllic' life, you see!
Here is Dylan lounging on the front patio.
From here he can view the entire garden, and all the comings and goings.
He tucks his paws under to make it abundantly clear that he is NOT available for any physical laPURR.
Watching is what he does best.
When he finally rouses from his reclining position, he does just that -- he watches!
"Watchya doin', boy?"
"I'm on 'Hi' alert", says he. "I wanna be da furst wun to say hello to any visitahs."
Standing proves to be too much of a strain, so Dylan moves to the garden bench a few inches away.
"Sumtimes, I jus' cant STAND IT!", he exclaims, while focussing on his tender tootsies.
Chagrin is one of Dylan's best looks. He's got it down to PURRfection, I think.
"Mama, yoo's soooooooo annoyin'!", says he.
"Heer, I giffs yoo wun last idlin' pose" ...
"I yam the Idle IDOL!", PURRoclaims Dylan. "No wun duz nuttin' bettah dan me."
Ain't that the truth!
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