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Monday, October 19, 2009


It's Tuxy Tuesday, and tuxies are everywhere! With the new Flat-Cat versions of Domino and Milo, I'm seeing tuxedo cats wherever I turn.

Here are Domino and Milo having a cozy moment on our cat bench in the front yard. Don't they just look blissful together?

"Wait a minute", says Domino, as she knocks her Flat-self to the ground! "I don't want some imPAWster horning in on my Milo!"

So, 3-D Domino takes 2-D Domino's place to pose for more pictures.

She's trying to copy Milo's ear position in this one!

Then Domino turns to whisper a sweet-nothing in Milo's ear, but Daddy is cutting the grass and making so much noise, Milo just doesn't react!

So, Domino left Milo all by himself.

If he's not going to speak to me, why should I stick around? (Uh-oh, I think they've had their first cat spat!)

What do you say to that, Master Milo? Speak up boy, for heaven's sake!!!

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