by Donna MacMeans
Sorry, it's not a launch party. No exciting excerpts or promising premises today. Plenty of those coming up in the near future, though.
Today, I'm celebrating my birthday. It's actually tomorrow but, you know, the older I get - the longer the celebration lasts (grins)! So party with me. Celebrate your birthday - no matter the date. It's Friday. Let's all just kick back and have fun. I've instructed the cabana boys to be generous with the frothy drinks and I've ripped open a few bags of Halloween candy for treats. There's still a full week to replace the evidence. Please note that fire regulations restrict the number of candles I can put on the cake (grin).
For those into s

As I'm on the cusp for Libra, I read those traits as well. Diplomatic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable - well heck, those work for me as well. Downside - indecisive, changeable, gullible, easily influenced, flirtatious and self-indulgent - some of those fit. Maybe I can pick and choose the traits I like between the two signs. Cuspiness has its priviledges.
I was born

I am, supposively, a water dragon and I must admit I experience a creative rebirth when I'm near the ocean. So that fits. Dragons are also compatible with roosters, the GR was pleased to hear that. This site also says the Dragon's originality is the most impressive and outstanding of all is characteristics - like the sound of that. Just in case you were wondering...this site says suitable gifts for a dragon include tarot cards, camera, a copy of the I Ching, mirror, a family crest, and a mobile phone. What! No bling!
Speaking of presents - there's a pile of them by the front door. I think my husband

I'm hoping for a new laptop. Those don't look like laptop boxes by the door, but hope springs eternal. As a result of my kids using my laptop for their homework papers, and I suspect for the occasional online shoot 'em up game, I no longer have a delete key/or function. If I make an error, I have to backspace. That's a pain. However, I suspect I'll have to buy my own laptop one of these days. My family learned long ago that they can't go wrong with a book for a gift and I think that's what's in the pileup by the door - more fodder for the TBR pile.
This past year I've released The Seduction of a Duke and a story in the anthology, Tails of Love. I won a number of awards for The Trouble with Moonlight - so those three titles will be giveaways for today's blog. I also have a couple of DVDs from Lori Foster's event that contain an interview with myself and several other authors. Those are up for grabs. So tell me - What are you hoping for your birthday/ Christmas? Do you believe in astrology symbols? Any Scorpios out there? What's your sign - does it fit? Do you have any thoughts on wrapping paper? Singing cards? Birthstones? (Mine is an opal, by the way). Do you do anything special on your big day? Let's celebrate!
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