Do you feel like you were born to be a mother? Or definitely not?
Wedding question: Would you wear your hair up or down?
This dude left the WORST voicemails ever!!!
Do people ever call you ma'am? ('Cause I'm setting records over here.)
What funny things are you neurotic about?
Do or don't: Guys with long hair.
Feeling stressed or sad? Here's my mom's brilliant advice...
What's your dating status?
When you're on a first date, who pays for dinner?
Our thoughts on Jake as the new Bachelor...
True reader confession: "I never want to have kids. Deal with it."
Are you affectionate? How about your man?
A cute mug.
If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Three adorable date outfits.
Who do you talk to when you're sad?
Do you fall in love quickly or does it take you a while to warm up?
As always, find much more on Smitten. xoxo
(Photo by Maple Syrup Only)
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