My precious Dylan is missing since yesterday morning around 9 a.m. We were taking him to the vet on his collar and leash when he kicked free and ran. I'm so worried because he'll be trailing the leash and it could get caught or tangled on something. He was really in a panic, too.
I feel like this is my fault and I should have used a carrier, but we are used to taking all of our kitties out on their leashes and haven't had a problem before. Dylan hates the carrier, too, and when he's on the leash I can hold him and try to calm him. Hindsight is useless at this point.
I tried to sleep on the couch and listen for him at the back patio door. I kept thinking I heard scratching noises, but there was nothing there, and he wasn't there this morning either -- and it's been raining off and on since yesterday and most of the night. I just feel sick about it.
Anyway, we could use your positive thoughts and prayers for his safe return. I'm going to put in a Missing Pet Report with our Humane Society, and Dylan has a microchip for identification. I know he would have come home on his own if he could.
I'm still hopeful I'll be able to update this post with a positive report. In the meantime, though, it's hard to carry on as usual.
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