Here are my two mancats looking furry manly and furry catty. I have often thought that Dante resembles a proud lion (as have many of you from the comments you have left) and Dylan looks like a cougar both in colour and form.
So here are my lion and cougar in the fading evening light on the watch fur pawsible prey. The boys are best buds, too, and like to hunt togefur as well as separately.
The picture of them against the tree has that authentic feel of wildcats in their natural environment, stealthily stalking their target.
I have read that modern cats have not evolved furry far from their untamed ancestors. All of their native instincts are still intact although we have depurrived them of their need to hunt by purroviding them with all that they require to survive. The urge to hunt still comes out efurry time they bat a fevver toy, or rabbit-kick a catnip mouse.
Those of us who allow our cats access to the outdoors have likely been purresented with unwanted gifts of fureshly killed meat at one time or another. I know I've stepped on a still-warm mouse or two before running off shrieking to the dismay of the hunters!
In any event, the lion and the cougar go off gently into the night after surveilling their territory. With their bellies full, they can wait until tomorrow to begin their purrsuit again.
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