Tell me a fun fact about your name! (Everyone has one.)
Would you rather have a small wedding or giant wedding?
Um, have you ever drooled on your boyfriend?
Do you have orgasms during sex?
Are you chatty? Could you be silent for a whole day?
Dating do or don't: Rompers.
Poll: Do your parents care how much money your man makes?
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend? Here's mine...
Poll: Is Michael Cera hot or not?
Which of these three J. Crew outfits would you wear on a date?
Reader's Dilemma: "My family keeps asking when I'm getting married. What do I say?"
How would you feel if a guy went to Vegas with his friends? (Be honest.)
We chose our wedding rings.
Whatever happened to your first love?
We sent two cuties on a blind date. Here's what he said, and here's what she said.
What are three things you're looking forward to?
As always, find much more on Smitten. Thank you. xo
(Photo by Abby Ross Weddings)
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