Very funny Charlie, where did you get this from?
How are you and the family?
Hey Hobo
Got it from Lenny some time ago.
Thought it was a goodie worth sharing
I’m good and family is doing even better.
Would love to see you. I’m gonna be in the city later on today for a meeting. Could we grab a drink and talk?
Oh wow Charlie.
I'm glad everyone is doing fine.
Too last minute though. I have a stack of meetings with Social Services and a Fair Hearing to resolve.Yes, though, I would like to take you up on that offer. Maybe we can do it next week if you're in town?
No sweat at all.
We can absolutely do it next week.
Just let me know what works best for you.
Is the [email] address the best to reach you?
Anytime next week save Monday. I have my therapies around two O'clock daily so if we meet for lunch at the customary hour I'll have to leave by 1:00.Yes, the [email] address is the one and only. I have others but they are for other specifics (spam).
Look forward to seeing you again,
Sounds good.
Let me ask you….how long are your sessions? Maybe it’s better to do it afterwards so you don’t have to rush. Your call. Either way, I look forward to catching up!!
About an hour, two...it all depends if I have a breakthru or not or what time I'm actually seen. A half hour travel time on top of it. It may have to be pretty late afterward. Give me a day and I can tell for sure.
Wanna shoot for next Wednesday, the 25th?
My session isn't until 3:30. We can meet up at noon if you'd like or around five-ish.
5-ish works.
Where at Charlie?
Sorry about that.
Whatever's convenient for you. I'll come to where you are.
Call it.

Maybe I'll be called to account for all the wrongs I inflicted. I'm not good at accounting. I failed in math.
Huh, Charlie got in touch with me. I wonder if he was ever following the blog?
Well, that would mean only one thing...I'll be the only one with all of the questions.
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