It's the end of a long day.
So you know what time it is don't you boys and girls! It's time for Hobobob's aimless ruminations!
Yeah, you know where I'm going with this one tonight. I'm talking about pencil necked motherfuckers. Wow, I said it, but I really mean it. They're out there by the millions and they are bitter and angry, just like I am right now. But the difference is that they wish to pass this uselessness onto their fellow man. You know, like spread it around.

It's only a human trait to give to others. When we have a large sum of money, we hand it out. When we have a run of good luck, we try to rub it off on others. Whenever we feel special we make strangers around us as special as we are. And if you believe all that, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. Why is it that so many times, we run into those who are plain rude, nasty and belligerent? Pernicious in fact. Case in point: Social Workers and Civil Servants. Which both may be interchangeable. Oh, and MacDonald's workers. Or any fast food chain I may add. And that's just another reason why I don't eat fast food anymore.

But going back to the smiling minions that are supposed to help you: Social Workers. I find it hard to believe that they graduated college. They went to school, to grow up to sit in drab offices, ancient desks, bitter supervisors, and furious patrons. I feel bad for them sometimes. I mean, I would be taking a bath with the toaster if I had to go into work to that daily. I'm serious. I have some compassion for my fellow man. It may not go a helluvah long way at times, but I do have some.

The problem is not the social workers, per se. The problem, that I can see, comes from the MACHINE. Social Services is one big construct, employing thousands of Orcs, running about in these rat warrens doing all sorts of ludicrous jobs just to keep the machine turning. Huge, enormous gears that spin but do nothing, axles that grind on dirt filled shafts, flywheels that fly for no apparent reason. Even little pipes that blow steam through small whistles at no particular time. Much of it is useless. Pork barrel. Just a edifice so that upper management can point to the politicians and claim that they need more money which they use the majority of for their raises. Half of these fucking jobs can go to the Internet, and the other half to India.

You think I'm kidding you?? Its all bullshit. And you think the Bank Bailouts might have been crazy. Too much of this money that we're using to jumpstart the economy is supposedly going to government agencies. For what?? To make more jobs. Doing what? Unskilled work? Maybe. I think it's going to go around, and around and around and come out here....nope, not anywhere. It's going to go into the big machine and turned into air. Nothing will change, because, like the banks, there's no accountability, no supervision. They are allowed to police themselves. That's like allowing the pimps to watch the terminals.

And we'll have millions of disgruntled people filing into these dark, dank holes, to deal with these miserable people, who hate their fucking jobs, that carry this shit home, and spread it all around to commuters, families...and MacDonald's workers.
Well there's got to be some explanation for those motherfuckers too...
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