We made a video of sexy bedroom makeovers! Take a look...
The words "naughty" and "panties" make me feel weird.
How do you greet people? With a kiss? Hug? Handshake?
Reader's dilemma: "Help! I'm feeling sad this winter."
Three little kids try to elope for an African wedding! This story is too cute...
Which of these four spring dresses would you wear on a date?
Do you swear in front of your parents?
A romantic proposal...on the Brooklyn Bridge.
How one reader met her boyfriend: "We were extras on the Sopranos."
Poll: Which woman should the Bachelor choose?
The perfect French kiss.
True reader confession: "My boyfriend's mom sent me lingerie."
Would you drink during pregnancy?
Guy's perspective: "I thought my friend was skinny until she convinced me she was fat."
My wildest sexual experience: "I wrote him a crazy letter..."
As always, find much more on Smitten. Thank you so much. xoxo
(Photo via Le Love)
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