Mr. Hamilton also notes that HUI uplegs generally see two primary downtrend corrections while maturing, the first of these usually starting around the 63rd trading day (about the end of their third month). In his view, the function of these downtrends is to function as "a safety valve to prevent popular greed from growing too extreme before an upleg nears maturity."
Of particular interest, Mr. Hamilton notes that the current gold surge is clearly the strongest of the 2000-present gold bull market, and also that the current HUI upleg has in fact demonstrated the strongest first stage of all of the (now four) "massive" HUI uplegs to date.
I could tell you more, but of course it makes more sense for you to read the article for yourself.
Here is the rub for Canadian investors.

But let me perhaps offer an introduction to the topic of upleg structure (and leverage) for Canadian gold investors.
Let's begin with charts of the four uplegs of the SPTGD, which I discussed in greater detail on January 27, 2008.
Here is chart number one for your delectation:

By the way, the HUI has outperformed the SPTGD from the very beginning to the present. It is one long outperformance on the part of the HUI, and currency differentials alone do not explain it. (The HUI has most dramatically outperformed the SPTGD index since the Canadian dollar initiated its long climb, which happened to begin in about January 2003.)

Suffice it to say that Canadian investors who were shrewd enough to ignore the internet craze and purchase gold mining shares in 2000 have had no regrets since that time. They have been amply rewarded for their initiative, insight, independence and timely action.
Let's now look at SPTGD upleg number two:

From a starting value of 137.02 in July 2002 (representing a 41% decline from the peak value of the previous upleg), SPTGD upleg number two in fact climbed only slightly higher than upleg one, to a value of 244.47. This was also a brutal and unruly upleg, with three sharp, severe and dramatic corrections, the third of which in March cruelly took Canadian gold stock investors back to where they had started 8 months earlier, in July 2002. The discerning Canadian gold investor could have sat out this ugly but ultimately rewarding upleg!
However, for those who were late to the party, upleg two certainly provided another chance to get into the game, with a 78% gain (I bought my first gold stocks in June 2003, which, as is often the case with beginner's luck, happened to be an exceptionally fortunate time to buy).
SPTGD upleg number three returned to the gentle, steady climbing pattern of upleg number one, as can be seen below:

I recall seeing a greater than doubling in our personal portfolio value from its previous correction low during the advance of this particular upleg, and, save for upleg one, upleg three remains the best one-year period for Canadian gold stock investors since the 2000-2002 upleg.
Note that upleg three started from a value of 166.76, and rose to a very respectable 369.72.
The correction preceding this upleg was a relatively modest but very extended and grinding 32% sideways correction which persisted for a brutal 17-1/2 month period, discouraging many Canadian gold stock investors, who watched the US dollar price of gold climb steadily while Canadian gold shares could muster only a 32% decline!

From a high of 369.52 in May 2006, the SPTGD plummeted in three vicious corrections to a numbing low of 240.42 in August 2007, revisiting the SPTGD peak value of a full 5 years and 3 months earlier, in May 2002.
Let me say that another way. Canadian gold stock investors could have sold everything in May 2002, and done nothing for over 5 years, until buying back at the same prices in August 2007! American HUI investors still saw their investments double (from the 2002 HUI high to the 2007 HUI low) during that same period. It was not a good 5 years to be a Canadian gold stock investor!
Nothing corresponding to the inglorious May 2006 through August 2007 SPTGD correction can be seen in the HUI, which handily outperformed the SPTGD during this period, even accounting for the plunging US dollar!
Now, let's look at the current upleg in the SPTGD index, which, as mentioned, started at a modest 240.42 value in August 2007.

Certainly the current upleg has seen one dramatic advance followed by a sharp correction in the December-January period. However, the January low has so far held, and the index is presently advancing along with gold, which in Canadian dollar terms has surged from $679 to $969 during the same time frame following August 2007, for a 43% gain, upleg-to-date.
What does the future hold in store for the SPTGD index?
Please allow me to close by agreeing with Mr. Hamilton on several points.
Our present analysis of SPTGD upleg structure shows that Canadian gold stocks, similarly to those constituting the HUI, clearly see their best gains in the final two months of their uplegs. Even sizable intermediate losses can be recovered simply by holding through to the end of the upleg. That is, one must allow the upleg to finish its course, and impatience is of no benefit to any investor. Another pattern that is very clear in the structure of SPTGD uplegs is that there are often significant corrections just prior to the final upleg surge. It would be particularly onerous to sell on these final plunges in the SPTGD, as the darkest hour is very typically just immediately before the dawn for SPTGD investors.
The duration of SPTGD uplegs has so far been 19, 15 and 12 months. Thus it seems probable that our present 6-month upleg is far from maturity, as there could be a further 6 to 12 months to go, and the duration would simply be typical.
Given that gold's present upward momentum is its strongest in the present bull market to date, it is reasonable to expect that if the value of gold shares continues to leverage the price of gold, then gold shares could be considerably higher than they are now in 6 to 12 months' time.

Perhaps the most satisfying aspect of our present situation is that we seem still to be in the relatively early stages - at least nowhere beyond the broad centre - of the current SPTGD upleg.

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