by Anna SugdenOver Christmas, I had a fun idea for a book and have been enjoying myself with lots of plotting and research - got to do something while waiting for The Call! LOL The books is called Past Imperfect and I hope to have some details and hopefully an excerpt on my website shortly.

The reason I'm telling you about this, is that the concept is a little unusual for me as it involves time travel. I've always been partial to light 'woo woo' in the books I read - ghosts, witches etc. and I've been intrigued by the idea of time travel ever since Michael J Fox climbed into that delicious DeLorean (okay, so I love the car!), but I'd never really thought about including that interest in my writing.

Then, I realised that in may ways romances become a kind of time machine transporting us back or forward in time through the talents of the authors' story-telling.

I remember my first time travel romance(s) - it was a pair of Silhouette Special Editions by Linda Lael Miller called "Here and Then" and "There and Now". There were also some Nora Roberts Intimate Moments called "Time Was" and "Times Change". And a Rebecca York Intrigue - part of her 43 Light Street series - "Prince of Time". Though it's not exactly time travel, PC Cast's Goddess of Spring involves travel to Hades (and her delicious hero!)

More recently, I started Sandra Hill's hilarious series of Viking/SEAL time travels (Wow - some of her covers are hot!) with The Last Viking. And I read a pair of Teresa Medeiros' books called "Breath of Magic" and "Touch of Enchantment", which combined time travel and a little witchy magic.

I'm sure I've read many others - all of which I enjoyed - though I can't, for the life of me, remember the titles.
How about you - do you enjoy reading time travel books? Do you prefer a character going backwards in time or coming forward to the present? Which are your favourite time travel romances?
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