I'm very enthusiastic about getting involved in the Red Box Calgary campaign. For one, Mr. A is suggesting a startup date of February 28, which gives me lots of lead time to make any adjustments to my family schedule.
I'm also happy to hear he will be using a combination of B/X and Labyrinth Lord rulesets. While I do have two copies of Labyrinth Lord, I also have the Basic D&D rulebook, and intend to go to eBay for the Expert rulebook, so i'm covered (or will be) as regards the old B/X rulesets. But including Labyrinth Lord makes me more comfortable about using The Sentry Box gaming space for the game sessions, as anyone without the B/X rules can purchase the LL rules from TSB, thus supporting that business. I like supporting the businesses that support gamers through the provision of free gaming space.

In addition, I'm happy with the inclusion of Labyrinth Lord as I am not above pimping the retro-clones, like Labyrinth Lord, for those people who want a "living" ruleset to work with. It's a good ruleset, and getting it into existing or new gamers' hands can only help to foster additional enthusiasm for old-school gaming.
The campaign is being structured in the sand-box style, with the players using the Red Box wiki site to collectively negotiate where they will go adventuring, and the DM then preparing for the game accordingly. I am looking forward to seeing how that works out.
Both Vancouver and New York have Red Box campaigns. I intend to check out their wiki pages, to see how that approach works for them.
If you have been wanting to get involved in (or try out) a face-to-face "old-school" campaign in Calgary, here is your opportunity! I've already signed up on the Red Box Calgary Wiki Site.
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