Today is the first day of The Banditas Twelve Days of Christmas!

We've been very busy here in The Lair getting ready for the holidays. Demetrius cut down the Christmas tree with his gladius and Lucien has been stringing popcorn which has taken longer than we anticipated as he eats two bowls of the stuff for every one that makes it on the str
ing! The GR was in charge of ornaments, flapping up to the boughs to place each ornament just so....which also took extra long as he kept getting distracted by all the shiny balls. The hockey hunks solved that by replacing broken ones with pucks!
Marcus keeps shaking the packages while Sven insists that today is NOT the first day of Bandit Christmas but Lucia day....a tradition from his home country where it is believed man and beast require extra nourishment........Stop! Boys! Stay away from the cookies!!!

Tawny, Jo stop standing under the mistletoe winking at the glads....no...no. ack! Jeanne! Stop shaking the packages! No, there is not C4 in the green one...no! Really! Don't. Shake. It.

We've been very busy here in The Lair getting ready for the holidays. Demetrius cut down the Christmas tree with his gladius and Lucien has been stringing popcorn which has taken longer than we anticipated as he eats two bowls of the stuff for every one that makes it on the str

Yes, we are steeped in tradition, steeped in good will, steeped in eggnogg.....Oh, wait! That's just Anna C. and AC and (squints at shoes sticking out from beneath the table) maybe....Suz???

Tawny, Jo stop standing under the mistletoe winking at the glads....no...no. ack! Jeanne! Stop shaking the packages! No, there is not C4 in the green one...no! Really! Don't. Shake. It.
Oh, wonderful. Anna S. just breezed in from England with a huge bowl of wassel....like we NEED more alcohol...and now she's taking down the mistletoe and chasing the hockey guys around!
What? Yes, yes Donna that corset is very pretty in green and red. Oh, my...it lights up...and in the most interesting places. Look, Susan and Kate have just arrived from the cave.....nice Elf hats girls. Do ya'll hear that? What is that carol Nancy, Caren and Christie are singing? "Deck the Halls with SuperHero Figures"...no, I think the words are...
Stop! Stop! Kirsten, honey really I don't think doughnuts will hold up as a wreath..the glaze don't you know. Ah, Christine...just in time....I need help with....what have you got on your head? A candle wreath? You say you're name is Lucia??? Sven! Sven...come back here and finish the wreath! Beth, Trish....step away from the long, weapon like package KJ just put under the tree...um, don't put it close to that green package!
This party is getting out of control and we haven't even served the cake...er, pie...er, cake.
(Collapses against reindeer) Never mind. Let's get on with the Christmas trivia. During the day, I will post batches of Christmas trivia questions. The first person to answer each correctly will get a point. The person at the end of the day with the most points (9 pm EST in my world) will win the first Bandit Christmas prize. Good luck!

1. What do the carolers in the song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" insist they be given?

2. Who wins the decorating contest in "A Charlie Brown Christmas?"
3. Where did the Grinch steal Christmas?
4. When a Ukrainian finds a spider web in their Christmas tree, what does it signify?
5. Who was the first ghost to appear to Ebenezzer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol?"
6. What Christmas song was introduced in the movie "Holiday Inn"?
7. What non-traditonal Christmas movie sports the character Oogie Boogie?
8. What actor won an Academy award playing Santa Clause?
9. What branch of the American military is associated with Toys for Tots?
10. What did Carol Brady lose that jeopardized the Brady's Christmas celebration?
Bonus FIVE points will be added at the end of the day to the BB who describes the most unique ornament for any of the Banditas.
Now, excuse me....Cassondra is putting TRUCK NUTS in the stockings!!!!
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