I thought we'd do a quick Q&A for today's blog. So I give you my...
12 (and a few extra) Questions of Christmas!
Christmas trees:
1. Real or artificial?
2. White or colored lights?
3. Blinking or static?
4. Tree skirt or bare?
5. Red and green or silver and blue?
6. Old fashioned lights or LED?
7. Outside decorations - simple or the more the merrier?
8. Gingerbread houses - edible or just for looks?
Fun stuff:
9. Sleds...runner or plastic?
10. Ice skating, skiing or sledding?
11. Do you hang mistletoe?
12. Where do you hang your stockings?
The toughies:
If you had to choose (and lets pretend you DO have to choose *g*), which of these would you give up for the entire Holiday season:
Christmas music or Christmas movies?
What if you were wrapping and could have either Scissors or scotch tape (and no, you don't have any gift bags available either *g*) which would you choose to keep?

If one of these was the ONLY beverage you could drink through the entire season, which would it be: eggnog or mulled wine?
And don't forget, each commenter will be put in the drawing to win a rooster themed gift for our 12 Bandita Days of Christmas and I'll throw in TWO books from my stash of goodies. Winner's choice!
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