I rise anew.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Like the Mummy, I can't stay dead. I will continue to rise as long as my heart beats blood.
I feel like the star of a horror movie. I look at the clock. It's Two in the morning. The body is resetting it's clock. It's picking this and that time to wake or sleep. It wants to stay awake for a few hours now. I rise and the first thing that I do is turn on the computer. The second thing is to make a bowl of cereal.

I try to find a signal, but to no avail. So I blog offline while pounding the airwaves around my room for any stray frequency. There is nothing that I can pick up. I'm jammed. I work offline instead; so what? Then, there is a grumbling in my stomach, deep and mean. Yeah, I know what that means. I get up, grab a roll of ass wipe and head for the Can. Yes, my good friend loose stool finally came through, which means no more COLCHICINE for me.
Around Five O'clock I go back to bed.

Only to wake up a few minutes before Eight. I pack up and head out, after hitting the head again, and go downstairs to Starbucks, which from this point on I'm calling Daddy Daycare. Fucking place is filled with Yuppie larvae and their parents. I love kids, I really do...well done. NO! I'm kidding. I love children, just as long as I can send them to their parents when I'm done playing with them. Yet, I can't stand their cavorting about while I'm trying to work on my laptop. They are annoying with their screams, cries or yells. Makes me want to pack up and head back upstairs. This is just not worth the aggravation.
But there is nothing upstairs for me but food. Not good.

I concentrate, my mind leaving Daddy Daycare and searching the web for a WIFI booster antenna. Soon I find a WIFI antenna for $79.00 at circuit city, but that is definitely bullshit. Then I scanned for something called CANTENNA which is another signal booster. Inexpensive, but needs tons of shit to connect it to your laptop. It's THESE THINGS that cost money. Hmmmm. There is nothing electronic that can hold me back. I'll solve this motherfucker, watch me. I just need to do a little more research.
I'm surprised at the number of people in Daddy Day Care on Thanksgiving Day. I was thinking that it would be partially empty, and there are still empty tables and chairs, but there is also a long fucking line all the way to the door. Too many people have nowhere to go in this city I see. Listen to me. Like I do.

I soon grow tired of surfing. No one is online, no one is emailing. I can write offline upstairs in my apartment away from the cacophony of tiny voices an little running legs. I pack up my gear and head to Duane Reade, snag a Turkey and Mashed Potato microwaveable dinner and other little odds and ends. I look forward to being alone and eating Thanksgiving dinner. You just can't imagine the joy I feel to not have to deal with Twenty or so men talking, walking, shouting, moving shit around. It's a sheer pleasure to be able to close and door and have instant privacy, closing off the entire world behind a door. As long as it's locked, no one can enter. That's a strange feeling hard to describe unless you have been without it for a period of time. It's completely spiritual. Something everyone should appreciate.

But now, back to our show. I downloaded a program called NETSTUMBLER and it's a gem of a program. It does for WIFI what a 'sniffer' does to a LAN. Namely find all active users on the Wireless LAN, or finds wireless signals. Hmmmmm. I can set it up to scan my room and single out these weak signals and maybe 'amp' them up a little. Worth a try. I install the rather large but easy to install program and turn that motherfucker on. Right away it started to identify all of the WIFI signals in the room. Like a fucking pit bull, it routed out something like fifteen or sixteen signals bouncing around whereas before I could only 'see' four or five from the Windows Wireless Zero Config.

I started to read the manual that came with NET- STUMBLER, which is no big deal, but then I came across "Wireless LAN Auditing" which basically said YES a hacker can lurk on your Wireless LAN. It's called 'Rogue Wireless', and these unseen users CAN penetrate a corporate LAN through the weakest security point, which is someone not using WEP encryption. SOOOO, Hobobob has to eat crow again. Crow along with my turkey dinner. What a Thanksgiving!!

But I still can't see someone going through all the trouble to lurk on a WIFI signal, and enter someone's home computer. Well, whatever, I swallowed my crow for the day and returned to the task at hand. That NETSTUMBLER found @home in some corner of my room, and rode it like a prized pony. I was online in moments after finding the signal, surfing, reading email, printing out reports on FEMA...yeah I do that too. And generally having a grand old time. I heat up my Thanksgiving dinner, and make a glass of NESQUICK, strawberry, just in case you wanted to know, and settle down for a comfortable evening. It was so comfortable that after dinner, my eyes grew heavy and I crawled into bed for a nap. It's three O'clock in the afternoon.
I slept like a champ.
NETSTUMBLER pinging off the many network signals bouncing around my room. I told you I'd solve the motherfucker.
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