"As with any medicine, side effects are possible with LYRICA (pregabalin); however, not everyone who takes the medication will have problems. In fact, most people tolerate LYRICA quite well. If side effects do occur, in most cases they are minor and either require no treatment or are easily treated by you or your healthcare provider."
Shit, ain't I happy that I'll have very minor side effects. I read down them, although the percentage of people having them are very low, one of them is weight gain. Why did ANY of them have to be weight gain?? The rest looked like a demon's medicine cabinet. Whoopdee fucking doo. I thank my Nurse for the new meds.

I go through my routine and get to the Box. While getting my meds upstairs at the nurse's station one of the two people that went with me to the Housing Interview, approaches me. She is a heavyset woman with excellent diction and a cane. She is beside herself, her face glowing. "Did you get your apartment?" It's an SRO. I don't say this to her though, I query her instead. What are you talking about? "I was told today that I got the apartment by my ILS." No shit? "Yes!" And what about the other guy? Did he get his? "Yes, he got his too. Did you get yours?" I don't know, I say. I haven't seen my ILS today. "OH," she ratchets it down a notch. She was not interested in indirectly becoming he bearer of bad news. "I'm sure you did, you know." How long do you have before you're moved in? "I'm leaving on Tuesday." Great. Good for you. I put the stairwell door between us.

It wasn't that I felt hurt. It wasn't that I felt pain. I felt left out... again. Once more this place has jerked me over. Others are leaving, these people even having put in less time here than me here. Once more everyone is passing by and I'm on the sidelines, watching. I swerve through the crowds on the second floor, not talking to anyone, because I never do. As I get to the dorm door, Littlejohn opens it from the other side and stops, allowing me in. "Did you get your place?" He asks. I don't know buddy. "So-and-so came in and told us that she was accepted. Didn't you go on the same housing interview as she did?" Yeah, but I haven't been given word yet. "I'm sure you got it." He slips out the door, leaving me to go to my bed.

Upon getting there, there is a single sheet of paper at its center. I open it slowly and it reads:
"Hobobob, I will be in at 8am tomorrow and I need to see you before you leave for the day. I have some very important and very good news to share with you. See you then."
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