What is going on with the world that we live in people?
We are living in crucial times. These are times of historical significance. Years from now they'll be writing about this section of history and it will be fat with corruption, sex, violence, filthy lucre...and more sex. What is going wrong with our society today that we have fallen on our knees. Is there anything good and wholesome in the world today??

In the homeless world, the dog eat dog ethic is expected. Skeksis prey on one another, feed on one another, because, frankly it's a zero sum game. The pie is only so big, and whatever piece you get is taken from the mouth of another. I'm not kidding. Go to any soup kitchen and try to get that last piece of whatever they're handing out. If you think that a skek won't cut in front of you and take two or three handfuls before you get one, you'll need your head examined, and tonight, you'll go hungry.

I remember, this funny story that's not so fucking funny, the church of the Franciscan Fathers, one holiday, I don't remember which, built a peculiar line one day in front of the coffee and breakfast line. Right after you got your morning coffee and a sandwich there was another line with underwear, a bag of toiletries, and get this, sneakers. Brand new sneakers. Can you believe this shit??
Well, of course, everyone gets on the line right, and work their way through the end, receiving an arm full of goodies. Now, the skeks on the line run off and hide their shit and then get back on the line. But firstly, not going to the back of the line so that others get a chance to get theirs, but instead cut the line to make, not one extra trip, but several.

Now I ask you, just how many sneakers do you need for one pair of feet?? Greed runs rampant among the skeks. Greed and selfishness. There's no money involved here, the currency is items. Which it always is for a skek: things that can be taken. That's why thievery is rampant among them. They'll steal even silverware to 'get a set' to sell.' Sell to whom I ask you? Would you buy silverware from a skek? I know you can't sell silverware to another skeksis, that's a laugh. Although they'll still come away with CD players, MP3's, cellphones and...laptops.
You expect this kind of behavior from skeks, because there is nothing down here on the lower rung of the social ladder.

But way up at the top of the ladder, the large banking conglom- erates, rich senators, the what not; Everyone is out for their piece of the motherfucking pie. Like a pack of wild dogs, they tear and shred everything in sight to get their piece. I mean, what the fuck is up with Alaska?? And I'm not just shitting and pointing the spotlight on it, what about these banking corporations that want all this money in a bail out?? It's funny, when we ask for this money...and I'm excluding the homeless here...but when we ask for federal money for affordable healthcare, or jobs or urban renewal, they say they can't find a cent of federal funds. But! As soon as Wall Street starts loosing money that they gamble away every damn day...and gain mind you, the Feds come up with billions for a bailout?? What's that about?

I hope future generations look at this when they are living on the fucking moon, and traveling to the stars, and the solar system is like Star Trek, and laugh at how silly we were. I hope future generations take ahold of the mantle of the world that we leave them, and that there is something left of decency and honor, and goodness to hand over. I hope we leave them enough of that behind to have a foundation to build from.
This is my rant today, my day was boring.

At least my shoulder stopped hurting, along with my foot. My Doctor gave me a flu shot today so I'm expecting it to knock me on my ass for a few days, but at least I'm expecting it. What I wasn't expecting was that I am supposed to pound down the COLCHICINE, twice a day to build it up in my bloodstream. I don't know about you, but I'm dreadfully afraid of explosive diarrhea now. If you've ever had it happen to you, you'd know what I mean. And that drug makes you have EXPLOSIVE shit come outta your ass. If you're ever given it, you'd better take my word for it and stay near a bathroom. I'm really thinking twice about going though this again.

But get this, my other drug ALLOPURINOL, which is supposed to prevent gout from now on, will bring on the gout for a few days if I don't have enough COLCHICINE in my bloodstream. Sounds logical, but WHAT THE FUCK?? If I pussy out with the explosive shitting I'm going to get that painful gout again. And that's a motherfucker when it comes to pain. But if I fight against the gout, I'm going to be faced with living near a toilet for the a period of time.
Well, the nurses already started me on the ALLOPURINOL, so I'm late in taking the COLCHICINE anyway. I could start tonight....
I think I'll pussy out.
Here comes the gout. My doc is never wrong.
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