Ha ha ha ha ha
They don't tell me to turn off the laptop at Ten. So, I say up until Eleven Thirty. While I'm working on my sixth article, Paul the Stooge sits up in the bed across from mine. "Can you turn off that PC?" I look at him and scowl. He lays back down. I think about my actions for a moment. All Paul the Stooge has to do is get up and tell one of the Tech's that he needs to sleep and that I'm keeping him awake. Then they'll come in and recite the rule that all electronics are to be off by Ten. That would also make it hard for me in the coming days, because a precedent will already have been made. I'm keeping clients up with my screen.

So I close down for the night. The truth of the matter is that the night is immaterial to me. I close my eyes, and if not for a passing dream, I open them again in the morning, which is exactly what I did. To me, I closed down my laptop, but it away, laid down, closed my eyes, then opened them, got up and got behind my laptop again.
In the morning I'm blogging and working on cleaning up that article, I'm still nervous about these things. They worry me. It's just in my nature to be very anxious. That's why I go to therapy for it. Didn't you know? I get ready and believe it or not, I go to morning meeting and get my meds before hitting the bricks.

I've learned another Hobo Survival technique today. It's kinda like my last one. You remember, using antiperspirant on your feet to keep them from sweating and therefore stinking. That shit works. Well, I've learned another thing about deodorants, and that is that you can use them directly on your retread clothes. I know many of you are saying: I do that now with my aerosol. Well anyone can think of using an aerosol can, but the homeless don't have room to carry cans on their backs, but they do carry roll ons and sticks. Now I don't know about roll ons, but you can use the stick against fabric. And it kills the stink too. Just for you guys out there that find yourself behind on your laundry and don't want to smell like a locker room all day. Trust me again, this shit works.
I take the Way to the library and I'm pissed because the Madison Avenue Starbucks is filled with people near the outlets. Electra is there sleeping against one, but I don't feel like waking her up. That's the one drawback to waiting to catch the morning meeting is that all of the good tables are taken up in the Starbucks by the time that you get there.

I walk to Fifth Avenue Starbucks and find a table there to work on, and I do. With the inclusion of the library later in the day, I find myself right back at Starbucks in the evening. This time the Madison Avenue Starbucks. And guess what? Once again the bathroom is locked for repairs...excuse us for the inconvenience. I'm sitting across from the bathroom, so people have to pass me to go in and use it. And it's an amazing array of New Yorkers that use the bathroom. Men and women in suits and dresses, children and the elderly, the crippled and the young, business men and women, college types...and Skeksies. Yeah, they're in there too. The bathroom is constantly in use, it's door constantly on the move like a revolving door to the behest of a steady stream of users. No wonder the motherfuckers here close and lock the door. With all of New York using the fuck, one can only imagine the devastation that is left behind on a daily basis.
No wonder it is locked at night. Everyone is just tired of cleaning up the Stygian stables.

In the Box, everything is the same. Paul the Stooge is being a stooge. Robert is jovial and wants to talk. I want to ignore him. I put on my headsets. Jor-el is in and out of his bed, trying to sleep but failing several times. Angel finds Damon's cell phone on top of my dresser. He asks me about it and I tell him that Damon washed it with his clothes by mistake thereby ruining the poor thing. Angel instantly wants to sell it. He takes it and runs to Damon, asking if he can keep it. Damon says yes and off he goes to bartering bliss.

Paul the Stooge climbs into bed and as he settles in I make my self ready for his suggestion that I turn off the laptop after the lights fall. When it finally goes dark, he is restless but silent. I continue to work until even I get tired. He gets up, apparently not being able to fall asleep. I for my part am already shutting down.
I crawl into bed.
This day is over.
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