I understand why. It's because the investors who accumulate gold stocks think gold is too high and has to go back down again.
If that's the explanation, though, what (the heck...) are they doing investing in this sector???
Case in point. Gold soared to a new record high in the $1518 range overnight. As is so often the case, it was sold off in New York (that is a recurring pattern too).

Well, perhaps it's not as bad as it appears. It does seem that investors are willing to dip their toes back into the market when gold holds at new prices for a few days. It's just a very skittish crowd, for reasons I don't totally understand.
Of course, this broad behavioural pattern has actually caused gold mining shares to underperform the gold price since 2006.

For the holdouts in the crowd, I'm warning you now.

And think about this: When the gold price sets new record highs - for example - for the last ten years in a row, that might be a reason to hold gold miners, not sell them!
So, why not buy and hold gold mining stocks now? It's just a thought on my part....
Looks like it's been a good idea for the past ten years.

Seems to me we might have some kind of trend going on here! So... why not stick with it?
26 April 2011:
Here's an update for you.
Gold, in my opinion, had an uneventful though somewhat lower day (after all, it's a bit hard to trade higher every time an all-time record high has been achieved...):

That is, if math is tough for you - as it obviously is for most gold mining investors, then at this level, the miners' margins might be up by, say, 25%.

So, independently of the gold price, the miners should trade on the order of 25% higher now than they did in January. In this case, that would constitute a rise in the HUI index from the bottom-feeding 492 in January 2011 to a still undervalued 615 today (the HUI actually closed today at an absurdly low 574).

So long as mining company investors go running for cover - like cockroaches under an upturned rock - every time the gold price drops from a new high, that pattern is not going to change!

Shorting the investment sector I believe in more than any other is contrary to my ethics, but what an easy way to make money for the past 5 years!
27 April 2011:
OK. Anywhere around $1500 is a perfectly fine gold price for now. Watch out, as we're setting yet another new record high in gold.

Oh, Ben Bernanke is speaking now. The first news conference ever for a Fed Chairman. I disagree with every Fed policy and every statement he makes. However, I admire his courage in attempting to make the Federal Reserve and its policies more open and understandable to the public. That single decision on his part is entirely admirable, and increases my underlying sense of hope for the future.

Post-News Conference comment:
Hmmm. Mr. Bernanke and I agree on one important point. He stated that the US Federal budget deficit is "unsustainable," and that US Federal debt is "our most serious problem." Wow! That is exactly correct.
Obviously we have different ideas about how to respond to that problem, but yes, we are all looking at the same problem.
Mr. Bernanke was somewhat happy about the S&P downgrade of US debt (S&P warned that its rating of US debt may fall below an "AAA" credit rating, which would drive interest rates powerfully upward!). Obviously Mr. Bernanke hopes that something will get the politicians (and public) moving, so he won't have to do the whole job by himself - which, as we have discussed - he can't possibly do in any case!
As to the gold price, it is soaring on an intraday basis, higher still post-news conference. Somebody somewhere believes that inflation is going to continue....

Jim Sinclair's $1521 gold price target was met (and surpassed) today. It hovered at that level following the Fed announcement (due to a promise of continued dovishness in a situation where something entirely different is obviously needed), and the gold price moved over the $1521 level following the conference with Mr. Bernanke. Note that $1600 seems to be the next stop....

Oh, the question I would have asked... "Mr. Chairman, given that you have announced your intention to cease purchasing US Treasuries in June of this year, what will be the result if no one steps in to take your place?"
Not sure why no one asked that question. It would have been my first!
And... are gold stocks still underperforming the gold price?
Radically so. It is a shocking disconnect! However, the long tail and the trend reversal in today's chart looks optimistic for gold mining shares in the short-term....

That would change everything.
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