Hey, you might be getting tired of this, but what the fuck?
Skip this post if you feel that you've heard it enough from me, but I think it's time to get a little serious here about sex and people. Two things that we fail to put together when we talk about bone-ing each other. Yeah, doing the 'boink'. That's the truth. We fail to realize that there is another person on the end of it. Being the man OR the woman.
We both translate the ACT with the dick. A man tends to forget that there is a woman on the other end of it, and a woman tends to forget that there is a man on the end of the other end. We both are on the opposite ends of the pole (I mean POLEs not pole). We're standing on the north, and they are standing on the south. And we address each other with a chasm between us, but that's because we don't see the whole picture. Let me fill you in, and then maybe you'll say, shit, Hobobob, those freaks at H.O.B.O.B.O.B. know what the fuck they are really doing up there.
They do, because of years of research into the subject of sexual intercourse using crash test dummies, these intrepid scientists have found out several interesting facts about sexual relationships between plastic people in our life and times. First, the media's corruption of sex and desire, the false value system of the media, and our own personal weaknesses and faults. When we fail to place all of these things in order, we fail to make a happier life for ourselves.
Men and women have particular needs, and we go through our short lives trying to address them. However if we get the wrong signals, if we succumb to this Twinkie Generation, we're fucked. That's the truth. There are four things in action here: Intelligence, Perspicacity, Wisdom and Virtue. Let's take a moment to define these things and then place them on the HOBOBOB MORAL COMPASS. Now when I say POLE you'll know that I mean this pole and not that pole, you filthy, dirty minds!
Here, lets define these forces at play:
1) Intelligence - capacity for learning, reasoning, under- standing, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude in grasping truths, relation- ships, facts, meanings, etc.
2) Perspicacity - keenness of mental perception and understanding; discernment; penetration
3) Wisdom - knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
4) Virtue - effective force; power or potency.
If you look at these four qualities in humans you'll see that they are somewhat alike. They appear similar because they are actually a breakdown of the same process in the brain called 'DECISION MAKING', but there are shades of differences in each, giving them a 'hand-off' quality in their distinctions. Lets go into them.
3) Wisdom - knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.
4) Virtue - effective force; power or potency.
If you look at these four qualities in humans you'll see that they are somewhat alike. They appear similar because they are actually a breakdown of the same process in the brain called 'DECISION MAKING', but there are shades of differences in each, giving them a 'hand-off' quality in their distinctions. Lets go into them.
A person with INTELLIGENCE can gather information. He/she can look at disparate pieces of data and judge their 'relational' value. Take it like this. A person sees gravel on the ground, two rails, slats between the rails, a balloon floating by in the skies a train whistle in the distance. Intelligence can discern that the balloon in the sky has nothing to do with the rails on the ground.
A person with PERSPICACITY can then piece together that the rail and slats comprise a train track, and their relative position upon those tracks. They are actually standing on them, looking up at a balloon floating by that has caught their attention, but by the blare of the train whistle, a train is approaching.
A person with WISDOM, uses outside criteria to make a judgment call. This person realizes that to continue to stand on this train track, when the train arrives, will end his/her life.
A person with VIRTUE takes action on this judgment to step off the track. Notice how a virtuous action is always to a benefit and not a deficit. This is an important fact simply because we can go on to fool ourselves that a certain action has beneficial 'qualities' to it, when it just has 'less favorable' ones. This is called 'fucking lying to your loser ass'. Instead of admitting that you fucked up so bad that your caveman parents are crying for you, you claim that there is some good in a totally disastrous outcome. Sorry, that shit don't fly in a truly positive virtuous action. Keep your eyes open through this dissertation, and try to learn something.
This is how your brain works. These four forces, working well and in conjunction with one another allows you to make good decisions for yourselves to your benefit and not a detriment. We need these necessary functions to survive, and when things fuck with them, we fuck ourselves...over and over. What we need to realize is that the media, who seek to control us to make riches for themselves, use our processes to get to our resources...money, time, work, efforts. Any resource that we have of value, they seek out by attacking ONE link in the chain above. WISDOM.
Wisdom is the only process that uses the OUTSIDE to build it's criteria set to take and use data. Once we train ourselves, we train our wisdom. That's why we have the phrase 'Street wise', 'Book Smart', 'Horse sense (or widom), et. al. These outside influences are used to help us make judgments. Our information is filtered through this, and action comes out of the decision making process.
Now, wisdom can come from two compass points of the pole. The North pole is the Male, the South pole is the female (you feminists out there can reverse them if you so desire). There is also an east and west poles (although there isn't one in real life, it's still a perfect circle from one starting point back to the same starting point). East is PHYSICAL and West is SPIRITUAL.
Wisdom is the only process that uses the OUTSIDE to build it's criteria set to take and use data. Once we train ourselves, we train our wisdom. That's why we have the phrase 'Street wise', 'Book Smart', 'Horse sense (or widom), et. al. These outside influences are used to help us make judgments. Our information is filtered through this, and action comes out of the decision making process.
Now, wisdom can come from two compass points of the pole. The North pole is the Male, the South pole is the female (you feminists out there can reverse them if you so desire). There is also an east and west poles (although there isn't one in real life, it's still a perfect circle from one starting point back to the same starting point). East is PHYSICAL and West is SPIRITUAL.
These are the two points of wisdom. Either Physical or Spiritual. It's a perfect circle. At the bottom is zero - perfection in nothing. One degree to the left is one degree physical then all the way up to the top on the left is 99% physical, then comes 100%, perfect balance, then one degree to the right of the circle is 99% spiritual all the way down to One degree of spiritual, one more degree more is zero - perfection in nothing.
The physical person is a person who is moved by the five senses, things he/she sees, touch, feel, taste, smell. They are drawn to the materialistic, the temporary, the ephemeral or basically, anything that appeals to the creature. That which glitters, that which is in abundance, that which relates to greed. Physical desires based on what is fed by the big assed eyes.
The spiritual person is a person moved by the emotions, the deeper places in the heart which is not the physical pump, but the very seat of all human motivation. The things they feel, sense, relate to by understanding. The spiritual person has the wisdom to use their perspicacity as a tool, thus using TWO of the processes outlined above when making a decision. There is a marked benefit in this. Data cannot be corrupted in the way that it can be done to the physical person.
Commercialism is the use of materialism to make a fucking buck. Commercialism is the art of convincing you to use your resources to obtain shit that you don't need, but that you are convinced will make your life more livable and enjoyable. The physical person falls for the lure of commercialism, the spiritual person does not. When a person feeds too much on commercialism they become materialistic, they corrupt their wisdom processes and the critieria they use to make decisions can become faulty. This leads to chronically bad or wrong decisions about many things in life. One of these decision areas to consider is sex.
"Oh, why can't I find the perfect man?" Women cry. "Oh why can't I stay faithful to one woman?" men wonder. These are physical losers lost in the world of the physical. They cannot escape and they cannot stop from stabbing themselves all over with many pains constantly. They are lost, believing that they cannot find the happiness that they see on television and movies, not actually realizing that the happiness found there is based on their spending money, doing work to spend money, or acquiring. Greed, greed, greed, greed. Everything is based on the eyes.
The Holy- Woods, gives us pictures of what is important, or what brings happiness, and we suppose that this is honest because everyone wants it. However it's not really for happiness. Sponsors tell you that this perfume will make you happy because it will make you desirable to men. And the Holy-Woods do not stop there they show you the hot chick, or the handsome man that you want. This is what makes happiness. That is perfection in your eyes. So this perfume will make you desirous to this man. And these suits, that woman. The media gives you all you need to know to make decisions so that you stop using spiritual wisdom, and buy, buy, buy product. In the business world, this is called Vertical Marketing. It means giving the dupe everything, the desire, the tools and the motivation to buy their products. When this is achieved, they have reached perfection in their eyes in selling you shit you don't need.
You use faulty skill sets and you wonder why they don't work. They aren't made to. You are told these things are necessary for happiness so that you'll BUY THEM. So that you'll PURCHASE things. So that you keep the wheels of commerce rolling. As the wheels roll, the rich are designed to become richer, and the poor, poorer. If these things worked AT ALL, you'd make a single purchase and make your dreams come true. But if that happened, would you go out then and buy more of whatever they are peddling? Not very likely.You've got what you wanted. No, they give you a false goal, and then a false way to attain it. Then when the suckers find out that they have been duped, they whine like little bitches.
Okay, now how does all this shit relate to fucking the brains out of someone? How can someone fuck nothing? And how can we become sexually impov- erished? How can we use the wrong data to fail at virtue? And finally, how do we fuck ourselves better than we sex someone else? Or what I playfully call putting your dick up your own ass for men, OR turning your asshole and vagina about for women. These concepts and others will be covered in my next post on sexuality.
Don't you dare miss it, or risk fucking the shit out of yourself.
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