Hoooray for the Alphas!
Yeah, it's good to be an Alpha in this world. The Alphas have it all, the Betas can live their lives supporting and trying to be an Alpha. And us Omegas? Oh well, we're the scum of the Earth. There's absolutely no chance of being anything and no reason to try. Hey, I guess you are saying to yourself:
"Hobobob, what college are you talking about?" I'm not talking about a college Frat or Sorority, I'm talking about human beings, stoop!

Yeah, I'm talking about Alpha males and females, Beta males and females and finally, last on the food chain, Omegas. Yeah, people like me. I realize something that I would like to share with you. When you are born, your parents inculcate certain values into you. Then when you are sent out into the world to school, your peers and your environment shape you. When you enter your teen years, your peers have more of a say as to who you are, along with your music, television or movie viewing. Afterward, when you think you are an adult, you are still being trained by the media which is constantly shaping and molding you on a subconscious level.

Subliminal messages are being beamed to you every day, you just aren't truly aware of it. Every day you are taught this simple truth. Alphas are desirable. Betas are drones. Omegas are discardable. Simple math. How is that mantra beaten into our heads, you may ask? Well, take what you see in television and movies. What makeup company has an average looking chick showing off their mascara? Their pantyhose? Their push-up bras? Not many if any. Instead, they employ sizzling hot women. Women men want to fuck, and women want to be fucked like. Simple as that. They choose an Alpha female. Seductive, sexy, lean, powerful. She exudes fucking and we either want to fuck one, or be fucked like one.

How about men. Strong, virile, fearless, rugged, built like a machine, handsome, sexy...oh and young. Yep, Alpha males are the heroes in television and movies. They are the ones who do the daring, brave things and the women swoon, wanting to be on the end of his pole so bad that they dampen their underpants watching the show. Yeah, The Alpha Male, towering over the Beta males who are little more than sidekicks and are either clumsy, or try to be like them, only to meet their doom. And at the end of the show, the Alpha male gets the prizes. What does he get? All of the money. He gets the treasure, the corporation, the secret files, defuses the nuclear bomb...and the Alpha female.

Notice that ever? Alpha males are NEVER rewarded with a Beta Female. That's beneath them. Alpha males want alpha females because they deserve them. They are hot for them, and they are the only ones that an Alpha female would ever let touch. A Beta male chasing an Alpha female? She'll put you in your fucking place. She'll tell you that your Beta dick can find a home up a dog's ass, but not between her legs. Oh, and if you're an Omega, you can go straight to Hell with a feather up your ass to make you comfortable.

Omegas? Well, we're the mound of corpses in the movie. The homeless people on the sidewalks, the refugees in the background with empty bowls in our hands for rice and water, the sorry, scab scratching drug addicts in the ghettos. We're the bodies blown free of the explosions, the cars that skid into the open fissures after the earthquakes, the body that is crushed by the falling piano. We have no right to live. No real reason for continued survival. We are 'life's extras'. We are those numbers given when a catastrophe occurs. The Alpha male, his face smeared ruggedly with dirt, turns to the Alpha female, whose clothing is torn, revealing a full bust and long, sleek legs, says: "The bomb detonated in the station!" And she replies, "Hundreds of people must be dead inside!"
The Omegas are the dead and burning faceless hundreds.

I watched a movie today, which is so much like so many other movies with the same concept. Here was an interesting one. When the movie began, or whenever movies begin, I look at the stars, and usually there are two. An Alpha Male and Female. Then a bunch of Beta stars. The rest...Omegas. If I can tell who the Alphas are, I know who will act like a hero, who will act like a heroine, and who will be killed off. At the end, I also know that the Alpha male will either have fucked or fuck the Alpha female, and the two of them will end the movie together. That's usually the fucking plot. Whatever they come up against, be it a serial killer, a ghost, a falling meteor, a rising tide of water, a maniac crowd of racists, a stomping twenty story lizard, whatever, they will succeed against it...together. Their love has more quality, more passion, more heat than that of Betas, who long to be them, THAT'S IF they survive to the end of the film. The Omegas...their the pile of the dead that prove that the threat is real and dangerous.

Yeah, this world is made to ensnare the majority. The Betas. They make up 80% of the world, and are just meat for the grinder. Betas serve the desires of the Alphas. When an Alpha male wants a cheap fuck, or an Alpha female wants a pointless screw, they'll pick up and discard a Beta, like old shoes, a bad towel, or a tampon. They are used and discarded. Betas, desiring to be so much like them, are all too happy to be used and abused by Alphas. Whenever there is a job position opening up in the corporation, it's the Alphas who get it. Even Alpha and Beta men love Alpha men...oh and vice versa. Girls in school all want to be part of the 'elite club' of girls. Betas wishing to be accepted as Alphas.

Yeah, we are being hypnotized to believe in this shit. Shoveled to us to such an extent that we feel it's reality. Ask any guy what does he want in a woman. 9 out of 10 will say, from the start...
she has to be hot. Yep. Something so vague that it's senseless. It's programming. The lost explanation is that she has to be an Alpha female. Women are no less confused. When asked what's important in a relationship, they'll come up with the lame reply...
there has to be chemistry. Equally vague. Where does this word come from in relationships? Simple. Movie critics. Yep, your educators for people too dumb to get the simple messages in movies and television poured upon the masses. Movie critics were the first to use such a lame phrase for the acting interaction between an actor and actress. If they can get you to suspend your dis-belief, and actually BELIEVE that they are in love with each other, the actors as said to have '
chemistry'. If not, then they are lacking it.

Women therefore believe that a man has to have this chemistry to be of value to them. Adding bleach to ammonia can cause a reaction...that's chemistry. People, chemistry is the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. What women are actually saying here is that they are relating, or comparing a potential mate to the feelings that a female lead actress is having towards the Alpha male on the screen. She relates to this attraction, and reshapes her thinking. This Alpha male portrayed is what she believes she wants. Just like a male sees the Alpha female as being '
Hot'. Both sexes are far too confused to even understand these distinctions in
real fucking people.

I am furious about them now. When I see a show and these occur- rences, these machi- nations, I seethe with anger. Here comes the Alpha male....he'll be fucking the Alpha female in a minute. Oh, she hates him, but that's alright, she'll see the value of him shortly. Oh, his Beta sidekick. He'll be shot and killed in this next gun battle. Also, there are other Omegas hit and killed in the cross-fire.
"Who are they?" Who gives a flying fuck. The Beta female, the friend of the Alpha female worries and is killed by the killer. She is usually stabbed while walking around an empty, ominous home, whispering out the Alpha female's name. Finally, the Alpha male, after battling with the enemy, reaches the nuclear weapon. The Alpha female is there also, and like usual, her clothing is torn and opened giving the movie it's R rating. The Alpha male saves the day with one second left on the timer and the Alpha female falls into his arms.

The women in the audience swoon, the men get hard. The movie is over and you feel satisfied because you just had emotional intercourse, equivalent to unconscious sex, or rather, the mindfuck. What is my suggestion to all of you out there that don't know or believe that you are lost, confused, taught by a device that has been training most of you since you were wearing diapers? All of you out there who are in fucked up relationships, fucked up jobs, fucked up lives? Start wearing a mind condom. Your brains are filled with an STD of the mind. How do I know this?

Because I've accepted the fact that I'm an Omega. I'm not one of you and never will be. I am a discard. It doesn't bother me as much as it might you so I don't give a wagging fuck to even try. You're the ones in the game, the race. I'm outside looking in. Freedom of the mind comes at a price though. The price is your sanity. I know I'm insane. Because the insanity around me does not make sense. It makes sense to you, but not me, not now, not ever again.

For those on the outside, it's hard to explain. For those on the inside, it's hard to understand.
Goodnight Betas.
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