It all started in 1990 when I bought my very first computer. A Tandy from Radio Shack that took me YEARS to pay for. That

Yep, I've been in the game since floppy disks. Would you believe I still have the same email address that I signed up for that first day that I unpacked that baby and got online? Granted, I have a dozen additional emails, but that first one holds a sentimental place in my life.
I was happy with my Tandy for years. Of course, back then, technology wasn't moving as fast as today, when a computer is obsolete before it leaves the store. There weren't as many choices. And slow was the name of the game. Then things changed. The dot-com boom swept us all into a new era of addiction. I mean, of technology.
First it was a better, faster, sleeker computer. A computer that the family all shared, with the bulk of daytime usag

Of course, I couldn't use it when I traveled. When I went to conference. When we vacationed. One fateful Mother's Day, I received a lovely laptop. Then my oldest went to college and needed her own computer. So she got her own laptop. Then we moved and hubby was tired of fighting for computer time on the now creaky PC. So he got his own laptop, and since the youngest does most of her homeschool via computer, she got her own laptop. Yes... (hanging head in shame) We have 4 laptops. We don't share. We're all greedy.
Then there're the smaller techno addictions.

My cell phone. For years, I had a basic, free with your contract but it does no tricks cellphone. Now? It gets internet, it emails, it means I no longer have to find a wifi

iPod? I loved my iPod. I started small, as all things techno tend to do. A simple little Nano. But I filled it up. So I gave it to hubby, who wanted one, and got a bigger one. Then the iTouch came out. Have you seen that sucker? Holy cow, its amazing.
This week's craving? The Nook. I've been looking at ereaders for a year or so. Like all writers, I

I swear, its an addiction. I don't set out to fall in love with technology. I ignore new toys as long as possible. I pretend I don't lust after them. I appreciate what I have. But... the lure is there. Its a siren's call. Beckoning, teasing, irresistible.
Lucky for me, most of them can be writing related tax write-offs, too LOL.
How about you? You're obviously tech savvy, since you're hanging on a blog, right? Are you a little tech addicted or a lot tech addicted? What's your favorite tech toy? And have you tried an ereader? What did you think?
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