Seeing as how Dr. Rotwang was able to emulate a fairytale RPG story, using microlite20, I began wondering why I had just purchased Faery's Tale RPG. I was inspired to buy it after reading a post, I believe it was on Jeff's Gameblog, recounting a game using the Faery's Tale RPG rules.
After reading Jeff's account of a Faery's Tale game, I went looking for a copy of Faery's Tale at my FLGS, The Sentry Box, but was told the game was "out of print", even though I had visited the Green Ronin website and the game still looked to be in print to me. Happily, I must have asked about it enough times, because they finally had a $20 copy on the shelves when I visited the store last weekend.
I had wanted to buy the game earlier, as my eldest daughter's 9th birthday was fast-approaching, and I thought it would be fun to run a game for her birthday, complete with costumes for her and her friends, and pseudo-larping. As I was unable to buy Faery's Tale from The Sentry Box, we decided instead to do a stuffed animal party, with each child stuffing their own stuffed animal to take home with them.
I brought my newly purchased copy of Faery's Tale home, and I left it sitting on the dining-room table. My daughter and one of her friends came across it, and after I described what it was all about, both girls were eager to play. The original birthday party plans are still on, but I have committed to running a game for them at some future date. Rather than playing pixies, fairies or brownies, my daughter wants to be a mouse; her friend, a butterfly. Why not?
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