by Beth
Though I live in a Northwestern Pennsylvania, I don't like cold weather. Or snow. Or most activities taking place outside (in the cold *g*) or having to do with snow.
The one time I went downhill skiing many, MANY years ago, I had such a horrible time, I swore I'd never go again (a promise I've gladly kept). I enjoy sled-riding but only to a point - that point usually being the same time all that cold snow blows into my face, down my coat collar and soaks through my mittens. Then I'm more than happy to head back inside and wait another year before getting back on a sled.
Another thing I've never cared for is watching the Olympics. I know, it sounds sort of...well...un-American to say it out loud like that, but it's true. I've always found the Olympics boring.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I realized last night that I've quickly become addicted to watching the Winter Olympics. Heck, Sunday night I was even yelling at the T.V. while an American battled it out for first place in the cross country ski race. (He ended up with the silver medal. Do you think he could hear me cheering him on?)
I haven't caught all the events but I've watched speed skating, the luge, cross country skiing, downhill skiing and snowboarding. I'm not sure what has me hooked this year. The speed? The danger? (I've seen quite a few crashes on the slopes). Or maybe it's the realization that these athletes have trained their entire lives for the chance to win a medal. How heartbreaking it must be when they get so close only to lose their chance on a last second spill. Maybe that's why I always feel so glad for all the winners and bad when an athlete performs badly, no matter what country they're from.

Anyone else watching the winter games? What's your favorite event? Who are your favorite Olympic athletes? Which event do you wish you could participate in? Want to ride down the luge track? Or maybe catch some air on the halfpipe?
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