It's Tuesday.
It's pouring rain. The sky just opened up and dropped a whole lot of shit on New York. As my father once said, "it's got some 'Stank' to it." People are running up and down the blocks, while others are opening umbrellas against the downpour. I make it into the Madison Avenue Starbucks just before it starts. I'm tired. Too tired to be poured on by the rain. I find a table and a seat and a brewed iced green tea and cop a squat.

It's been a long day, of pouring over paperwork. Tons of paperwork that needs more work to be done to it before it can be thrown out. By the end of the day my brains felt like jelly. I only worked a half a day. I got there a little after 1:00PM. Prior to that, well, I was doing my laundry.
Yeah, that's right. I got up early this morning....

I rose and headed to the kitchen at the call for hot breakfast. Afterwards, I watched as everyone got ready and got out, like I would have done, but I was standing fast today. Sending emails out to see if I had to go to work. There was no reply that I should, so I did laundry. The only day that I stay behind to do it, is the day that there had to be construction workers around it. For a minute they were about to tell me that I couldn't do laundry today, but they saw the 'no fucking way' look on my face and changed their minds. I mean, I'm far from scary looking, but my size makes men think twice.

I was racing against the clock suddenly, because as soon as I put my first load in, I got the email message that I was to be in to work today. What the fuck? How many forces have to align against me before I get the message that GOD WANTS ME TO KILL MYSELF. I know I'm overdramatizing, but the truth is that I get tired of this shit. I would like things to go smoothly for just once, from top to bottom. But no, it never does.

So I hurry just as fast as a washer and dryer can go. Soon, it's time to leave, and I try my clothes in the dryer to see if they're dry. Oh no, not that. They're just wet and hot. That's very cool. Sonsabitches. I take them and drape them across my bed and then head out, hitting the subway and shooting over to the office.
Upon getting there, there is a sign on the door that reads: "Gone to the dentist, will be back at 2:00PM." It was 1:00PM now. See what I'm talking about? For just once, could things go smoother? If I had another hour, my clothes could be dry by now. Dejectedly I walk over to Starbucks to kill the hour and then return to the office to get to work.

My brother drops by the Starbucks and we talk about current events. The highlight of the day is that there is an exploit that was found in the iphone, that makes it easy to hack in and take command of the device, even making it into a bug. That's right, a listening device for your wife when you are fucking around with your mistress, or taking it up the ass with your man. Either way, the device was exploited fully, like a whore on Fleet Week.

He tells me that he read an article in the AM New York that has Steven Jobs saying that the exploit was engineered. What a stupid fucking thing for him to admit to, but I need to read that, so I go out to the street paperstands to look for a copy. Suffice it to say that I walked all the fuck around town looking for a fucking copy and could find absolutely none. See what I'm talking about?

I leave to head to the Box and get upstairs for the talk of the night. Just before reaching the dorm, I walk into Angel and his girlfriend, who, by the way doesn't speak a lick of English. He has a request: If I could please lend him a powercord so that his girlfriend can play with her laptop. I frown, because the shit doesn't work for longer than five minutes. Well, maybe it will. That's the funny fucking thing about heat events. They are terribly fickle. But I remember reading somewhere that the Dell Inspiron laptops do such a thing. Anyway, I hand it over to them, hoping that the thing doesn't disappear while in their possession. That would be bad.
I don't blog until late. When they call for the lights to go out, I fold up my baby and put her away. The day's shenanagins have taken its toll on me.
I am tired.
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