9 June 2008

In my view, Jim Flaherty is possibly the most misguided Federal Finance Minister in Canadian history. In particular, his policies have made him the arch enemy of economic democracy in Canada.
By way of explanation, Mr. Flaherty is a lawyer, and neither an economist nor a businessman, and so he is susceptible to bad economic advice. He simply doesn't know the difference. But is this a good set of qualities to have in a Canadian Finance Minister as we face into the headwinds of a looming – and possibly brutal – global recession?
What did he do – and why is it this serious?
Through eliminating the partially tax-exempt status of Canadian income trusts on Halloween Day, October 31, 2006, Mr. Flaherty decimated an entire industry, while also robbing two million Canadian investors – to whom he had promised he would not do this – of approximately $35 billion in life savings.
The flaws in Flaherty’s logic – and ethics – have been well-described elsewhere, perhaps best of all by Diane Francis in the National Post on December 9, 2007.

Savings and investment are the lifeblood of every national economy. Nowhere in the world but in Canada was the process so home-grown. The income trust program promoted a virtuous cycle in which Canadians kept their savings in their own country, investing it for the most part in relatively small enterprises with high capital requirements.

Capital is almost always difficult to come by for small-scale enterprises – the kind of enterprises which – prior to Mr. Flaherty's thoughtless decision – created a distinctive flavour to the Canadian economy on the world stage, which elsewhere is well-known to be dominated by large, faceless and anonymous pools of capital operated for the benefit of the already-rich.

How will foreign investors get the tax exemption that Mr. Flaherty has just closed off to small investors? By borrowing the funds to make their acquisitions. Mr. Flaherty is a reverse Robin Hood. He has borrowed from two million small Canadian investors, and given to a small circle of deep-pocketed, and much more leveraged, international investors.

40 of 259 Canadian income trusts had already been sold out by the close of 2007, for the most part to international investors with a very different set of interests than the ordinary Canadians whom they replace.
The new owners of these almost universally small-scale, home-grown Canadian companies will lack the loyalty to Canada that the prior holders of these assets demonstrated – the mainstream (and trusting) Canadian investors whom Mr. Flaherty has literally defrauded and robbed.
Mr. Flaherty's policies remove tax benefits for Canadians and transfer them to non-Canadians. His new policy constitutes a profound detriment to this country. Mr. Flaherty's bold initiative – in one fell swoop – essentially transfers tax incentives from small Canadian investors to large, wealthy and mostly foreign investors.

Mr. Flaherty's provincial counterparts are perhaps also little wiser for the most part. Mr. Flaherty is just the worst of a bad lot, and firing him might send a message that it is time for a change at all levels. (And if his complicit boss – Stephen Harper – went with him, more’s the better!)
If I were in Mr. Flaherty's place as Finance Minister, what would I do?
First and foremost, I would reinstate the income trusts. Canada was unique among the G8 nations in promoting combined citizen savings and capital investment in home-grown businesses through the income trust structure. It was a unique program, and worked better than any method employed elsewhere to achieve the combined objectives of encouraging citizens to save, while also providing tax-protected funds to enable Canadian industries to operate and expand, thereby contributing to the health of the economy and providing jobs to Canadians.
Once having restored Canada’s income trusts – those that are not already gone forever – what would I do next?
I’d address the single most pervasive flaw in the economic policies of the Canadian federal and provincial governments.
Virtually in unison, all levels of Canadian government throw money at sunset industries, while depriving emerging industries of needed capital. I’d turn that policy the other way around – and use the income trust structure where possible to accomplish the shift in focus.

Because high quality, high-paying jobs are being lost.
So rescuing the employees of closing automotive assembly plants and closing pulp and paper and timber mills brings welcome but short-lived relief to skilled Canadian workers.
Both sectors are in trouble – the automotive sector because North America manufacturers have never been able to produce the vehicles that North Americans want to drive – particularly in an era of dramatically escalating energy costs, and the forestry sector because primary demand – and with it production – is shifting to Asia.

It is certainly true that when a well-located previous Canadian auto plant becomes a suburban mall, the new – mostly retail sales – jobs created will pay much lower wages.
The new jobs rarely exist where workers now live.
In fact, the new jobs are waiting to be created, because capital is in short supply in emerging industries!
The closure of auto manufacturing facilities and pulp, paper and forest products mills is certainly a hardship.
But that is not the point.
Capitalism is about creative destruction, and there is no way to foster the development of new industries without also permitting the decline of fading industries.

So, rather than throw money at sunset industries, I would redirect funding incentives to emerging companies in “sunrise” industries, assisting them to get established on the ground floor. I would make Canada a leader in the promotion of new models of locally-based business and industrial development.
I would use something akin to the now decimated income trust structure to accomplish this objective, using for the most part private rather than government funds to accomplish the creation of new, high quality jobs.

What is so special about the mining and mineral exploration business in Canada?

Interestingly, and perhaps unknown to most Canadians, Canada happens to be the world leader in the creation and operation of mineral exploration and mining companies. We also happen to be the world leaders in raising new capital for such ventures.

What these home-grown Canadian enterprises lack is what the Canadian government has been giving away in massive allocations, with little hope of return, to the automotive and forestry sectors, and what the Canadian government has just seized from two million small Canadian investors – and that is sufficient capital to proceed with the next steps of their diverse projects.
I have written recently about two of these Canadian companies, Nevsun Resources and Jinshan Gold Mines.

Additionally, I would divert government training money to preparing individuals to work in sunrise industries, not only including mining, but also such fields as biotechnology, alternative energy, agriculture, software development, microelectronics and public infrastructure.

What else would I do as your new Finance Minister?
Canadian miners face an adverse climate for raising capital for new projects. I would assure the availability of new capital through programs that encourage ordinary Canadians to invest in such ventures. (This sounds a great deal like the income trust program, doesn’t it?)
I would also promote inter-governmental partnerships.
I have written recently about how risky it is for Canadian companies to do business abroad. I would promote government-to-government partnerships to create a safer international climate for Canadian investment.

Perhaps partnering with Mr. Chavez seems an unlikely venture. But I wish to suggest to you that forging such difficult and unlikely partnerships is one of the things Canadians do best (along with, for example, also originating the world's leading hospitality companies – consider Fairmont and Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts – both now privately-held companies – as evidence).

But based on Canada’s experience in Cuba, the risk undertaken would likely have proven less than the ultimate damage that resulted to Canadian investment assets with the government seizure of the properties of two Canadian corporations with years of experience of operating in Venezuela – Crystallex International Corporation and Gold Reserve, Inc.

It should go without saying that hundreds if not thousands of such projects in our own country are already in development, but presently on hold, due to shortages of investment funds to bring promising mineral deposits to the development stage. Of personal interest, there are countless mining ventures now well beyond the exploration stage operating in nearby Red Lake, Ontario on the prodigious Northwest Ontario greenstone belt – where Goldcorp presently mines the world’s richest known gold deposit.

Let me assure you, this is yet another “unploughed field” with far greater potential for return than the further investment of public funds in sunset industries. Canadian Zinc’s Prairie Creek Project, and Goldcorp’s Musselwhite Mine offer only two of a multitude of sterling examples of how Canadian mining companies can partner with aboriginal Canadians to create benefits for all concerned – including the economic empowerment of aboriginal Canadians through means other than the direct transfer of government funds.

I'm not at all saying that unemployed auto workers don't need our government’s help and support, or that “alternative” environmentally-friendly vehicles are not a good idea. But let me say this. When private industry is good and ready on its own to choose to develop such alternative products in Canada, it will not need massive government subsidies to do so!

When the time is right for new initiatives in the automotive sector, government handouts won't be necessary to bring them to pass. Automotive companies will develop new kinds of vehicles because the potential for return on investment justifies such production decisions. There is no need to “force” the issue with hundreds of millions of transfered taxpayers' dollars.
But let’s retrain our automotive workers for employment in fields where smart and skilled workers are in high demand now – even in shortage (as presently happens to be the case in the mineral sector, where tens of thousands of very desirable jobs are presently going unfilled), rather than dish out corporate welfare to sunset industries on the verge of insolvency.
In summary, let’s restore the groundbreaking Canadian income trust system, and let’s redirect government incentives from propping up sunset industries to forming partnerships for finance, training and domestic and international partnerships with sunrise industries in such areas as mining, agriculture, alternative energy, biotechnology, information technology and infrastructure development – and yes, even in “alternative” transportation, but as just one of hundreds of areas for considerably more modest potential public and private investment partnerships.

Let’s again use government policies to reward Canadians for investing in productive enterprises in their own country, rather than to punish them for “taking advantage” of supposed “tax shelters,” which in reality assure that ordinary Canadians, rather than faceless pools of global capital driven by the already very rich, remain the owners of Canadian business assets!

And take my word for it – our local, regional, provincial and federal governments will not be lacking for future tax revenues under such a program. The stars just happen to be aligned at this time so that Canada could potentially emerge as the biggest winner – of all the countries in the world – in the emerging international commodity explosion.

Mr. Chavez’ seizure of tens of millions of dollars of Canadian assets this year was in fact a modest gesture when contrasted to Mr. Flaherty's bald-faced decision to rob two million of his countrymen of $35 billion in small-scale investment assets – not to mention the opportunity cost of many tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars going forward that might have been redeployed into home-grown Canadian businesses, were it not for Mr. Flaherty's confiscatory conduct!
The time for change has come.

Oh, and while we’re at it, perhaps Mark Carney at the Bank of Canada could be let go as well….
Let’s look forward and not backward in Canadian economic policy. And let’s keep all Canadians – including our fastest-growing population sector, aboriginal Canadians – investing in Canadian businesses through a restored income trust program – both at home and abroad, for many more decades to come!
The petition to restore the Canadian income trust system is still active. Click here to add your name to this still timely and well-considered petition.

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